The rules of admission to universities will change in 2025. What you need to know

The Ministry of Education and Science has approved a new procedure for admission to higher educational establishments and a list of entrance tests. The rules will come into force on March 1, 2025 and will remain in force until September 1, 2029. At the same time, the universities themselves called some of the changes controversial. What documents are needed for admission and when to submit them - in the material "Izvestia".
How to submit documents
- This year's admission campaigns will start simultaneously for bachelor's, specialist and master's degree programs - from June 20.
- In 2025, you can apply to no more than five universities in Russia, a maximum of five specialties within the institution. If the university has fewer specializations, you can apply to all of them.
- The submission of applications by priority will remain. In the document it is necessary not only to indicate the desired directions for training, but also to arrange them by preference. After the applicant submits an application to a particular university, enrollment is automatic, if he passed the points. If they were not enough to enter the most desirable specialty, it is possible to get into the next priority - with a lower threshold of entry.
- On the day of enrollment graduates must document their consent to enrollment: bring this document to the admissions committee. Previously, the original certificate was submitted instead of consent. According to the new order, the consent for admission can be submitted only to one university. At the same time, it will be possible to "enroll" in master's degree programs through "Gosudeservices".
Deadlines for applications and enrollment in 2025
- From June 21 to July 25, entrance exams will be held at universities. July 25 will also complete the acceptance of applications for those entering without taking entrance exams.
- July 15-20 - the completion of applications and documents for those who take internal entrance exams.
- July 27 - publication of competitive lists.
- August 1 - deadline for consent to enrollment in the priority stage.
- August 9 - deadline for granting consent for admission to the additional stage.
- August 12 through August 29 - additional admission to universities.
- From June 20 to September 30 - enrollment for paid places.
- Enrollment for master's degree programs will go until August 29 as part of the main admission.
Enrollment process
- Each university itself forms a list of entrance tests for a specialty. However, the administration is obliged to choose subjects from the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. As before, they will be divided into two categories: compulsory and those that are passed at the choice of the applicant. Universities may also hold up to four additional tests. The list of all exams will be published by January 20, 2025.
- The minimum threshold for passing the exam in the main subjects has already been determined. In mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology - 39 points, in Russian language - 42 points, in foreign language - 30 points. In social science - 42 points, in history - 35 points, in computer science - 44 points, in literature and geography - 40 points.
- Previously, higher education institutions could increase the number of paid places due to the number of applicants. Now educational institutions must designate in advance how many applicants will be enrolled. The upper threshold of entrants remains at their discretion.
Documents for admission
- Application for admission to the university. The form can be obtained from the admissions office, or downloaded from the website of the university.
- Passport or other identity document.
- Document on previous education - it can be a school leaving certificate or a diploma of another university or college. The document of a foreign state on education is presented with a certificate of recognition of this education in the Russian Federation.
- Minors must provide a form of consent to the processing of personal data. The document must be signed by parents or guardians.
- Military card (if available)
- Medical certificate 086/u in several copies (original and copies). It may be required both for admission to training and for admission to the dormitory.
- Documents confirming individual achievements, which are taken into account at admission to training
- If necessary, a document confirming disability or limited health capabilities on the day of its submission(document on HIA).
- Documents confirming the rights to special quotas due to status (heroes of the Russian Federation, participants of the SSO and their children, etc.)
- 2 photos of the applicant of 3x4 size
Admission for beneficiaries and based on the results of Olympiads
- Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads of the first and second levels will retain the right to enrollment without entrance examinations. Also, universities will have the right to rank applicants according to the classes of schools in which they participated in competitions.
- The right to enroll based on the results of internal entrance examinations not only for special quota places, but now also for general places will be granted to participants of SWO, their children, as well as Heroes of Russia.
Individual achievements of an applicant
- Each university can award up to 10 additional points to the results of the USE for the individual achievements of an entrant. In 2025, their list is supplemented. Thus, the university can credit bonuses if there is education in additional general education programs corresponding to the profile of bachelor's or specialist programs. The university independently determines what to consider such education.
- The number of points for the TRP badge is now determined independently by the university.
- Targeted training will also be affected by the changes. From 2025, customers will be able to hold various competitions and events. For participation in them, applicants will be able to receive up to five points in addition to individual achievements.
- Entrants who fall under a separate quota will be able to take general education entrance tests instead of the USE. The results will now be taken into account in all competitions (even at the main stage or when enrolling for paid places), although previously such exams were considered only in the competition for a separate quota.
- The application process for this category of applicants will also become simpler. Previously, applicants had to submit to the university the original certificate confirming the right to a separate quota. Now a copy is sufficient.
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