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The GUM Skating Rink started its work on the main square of the country for the 19th time. Stars of sports, show business, theater and cinema gathered for the celebration. But the main event was a new "Nutcracker", this time by Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. Its premiere will take place only in two weeks, but it was already possible to assess the scale and idea at the opening of the skating rink.

Painted with khokhloma

In spite of the chilly wind, the Red Square was crowded. In front of the entrance to the skating rink guests were greeted by a huge New Year's tree decorated with toys painted in Khokhloma style. The sides of the rink were painted in the style of Russian crafts. The design of the New Year decoration was developed by Alena Akhmadullina. Glittering lights of GUM, New Year's music and almost 2700 square meters of smooth ice - right by the Kremlin walls. This ice will not melt even in plus temperature: 6.5 kilometers of refrigerant tubes keep it frozen.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Alexei Nemov, Tatiana Mikhalkova, Sofia Ernst, Pavel and Svetlana Astakhov, Anna Banshchikova, Elena Zakharova, Dina and Arina Averina, Yuri Aksyuta, Alexander Tsypkin and many other media personalities came to the opening of the rink. Some of the guests were planning to skate on fresh ice. But before that the founder of Bosco di Ciliegi Mikhail Kusnirovich invited everyone to come to the tables where you could treat yourself to hot pancakes, donuts, pies, fried sausages, mulled wine, ginger tea and, of course, tangerines. Meanwhile, the rink was ready for the start of the performance. The performers of Tatiana Navka's New Year's show "The Nutcracker" took to the ice. The premiere is scheduled for December 20 at the Megasport Palace. And on the day of the GUM-Katka grand opening the ballet of the Olympic champion presented several fragments from the ice performance.

- This is a completely new, modern reading of the fairy tale," said Tatyana Navka. - We have taken Tchaikovsky's ballet as a basis, but the show also includes an arrangement of his music, and we have added new themes.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

As Tatiana Navka noted, there is an unusually beautiful ballet in the Bolshoi Theater, where the whole country is trying to get to. So, the ice "Nutcracker" skaters should surprise, present something different. Navka herself took to the ice without a fairy-tale costume, wearing a white mink coat and hat. Practically a Snow Maiden. She introduced the artists and invited everyone to immerse themselves in the magical, fairy-tale atmosphere of the Nutcracker show.

- In my opinion, this year we have outdone ourselves," said Tatiana Navka. - No one has ever staged such a technically advanced and complex ice show in terms of decoration and theatrical realization. Of course, our main treasure is our figure skaters, Olympic champions, internationally recognized stars of figure skating. Come as a family and we will definitely surprise you!

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

The show features multiple champions of Russia, Europe, the world and Olympic Games - Tatiana Navka, Pyotr Chernyshev, Kamila Valieva, Evgenia Tarasova, Vladimir Morozov and other famous figure skaters. As promised by the creators of the ice show, the spectators are waiting for an audio-visual performance with spectacular numbers of skaters, large-scale scenery, installations using 3D-technologies, theatrical effects and artistic animation. All this should work to create a fairytale atmosphere.

Rat Race

Olympic champion Kamila Valieva surprised the audience by taking to the ice as the Rat Queen. In a black and shiny costume, wearing a cap with ears, the skater was armed and very dangerous. Her heroine enters into a sword duel with the Nutcracker and defeats him.

- On such a platform you need to skate more powerfully to transmit your energy to the audience, - Kamila Valieva admitted. - And at GUM Skating Rink you can always feel the approach of the New Year. I absolutely love to skate here.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Kamila came to the Red Square accompanied by a red spitz Lion in a red knitted suit. He is a rare guest at the skating rink. Kamila says that only a couple of times she has taken him with her to competitions.

Vladimir Morozov, Russian champion and two-time Olympic silver medalist in pairs skating, is playing the role of the Nutcracker. His partner Evgenia Tarasova plays the role of Marie. At the GUM Rink, the skaters showed the audience their signature supports and throws. A year ago they announced the end of their sports careers. But now they are in hot demand in ice shows. The champion advised those who have never been to a skating rink to do so immediately.

- The main thing is to dress warmly, - advised Vladimir Morozov. - Start skating carefully. Don't be afraid of anything. Even if at first you fall down, get up and continue to glide.

New Year at GUM-Rink

GUM-Rink will be open daily until March 9 from 09:00 to 23:30. The first four morning sessions on weekdays are free. An adult ticket costs 800 rubles, children (from seven to 12 years old) - 300 rubles. On weekends and public holidays - 950 and 400 rubles respectively. Children under seven years old are free of charge, provided that an adult ticket is purchased to accompany them on the ice. For pensioners session on weekdays - 300 rubles, and on weekends and holidays - 400 rubles. Skates can be rented. During the New Year vacations from December 25 to January 8, an adult ticket for the first four sessions costs 700 rubles, evening - 950 rubles, on weekends and holidays - 1050 rubles. Children's - 400 rubles and 500 rubles, respectively.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Everyone is offered free master classes with Russian sports stars. Every Saturday it will be possible to learn to play hockey under the guidance of experienced coaches of the Red Machine. On Sundays Anastasia Grebenkina will open a school of figure skating. There is an opportunity to attend 12 master classes from Olympic champion and world figure skating star Alina Zagitova.

And for those who want to celebrate the new year 2025 by skating on Red Square, the ticket will cost 12,025 rubles.

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