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A pathophysiologist spoke about the risks to the body in the fall

Pathophysiologist Stepanov recommended wearing a mask in public places
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How to help the body in the fall, what risks it may face during this period, how to protect against diseases, on September 26 "Izvestia" was told by senior lecturer of the Department of Fundamental Medical Disciplines of the State University of Education pathophysiologist Sergei Stepanov.

"In the fall there is a sharp decrease in temperature and an increase in humidity, as a result of which the body gives up heat an order of magnitude faster. In this regard, hypothermia, decreased immunity and the development of various infectious diseases - in particular, adenovirus, rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza - are possible. Infections can be expressed in the appearance of a sore throat, lacrimation, coughing, fever," he said.

To help the body cope with temperature stresses, you need to dress for the weather. In public places, in transportation it is better to wear a mask, Stepanov recommended.

"The second risk, traditional for fall, is avitaminosis. Normalize your diet so that there is no sudden transition from fresh produce, vegetables and fruits to fast food and canned food. It is desirable to constantly eat fresh fruits and vegetables. You can drink vitamin and mineral complexes, decoction of chamomile or rosehip. Rosehip contains a large amount of vitamin C and will increase your immunity. Chamomile is a good sedative and antiseptic. Immunomodulators as a preventive measure on their own do not advise to use. Only when prescribed by a doctor," he said.

Also useful will be a contrast shower, noted the pathophysiologist.

"Gradually reduce the water temperature to cold, repeat this first once every three days, then more often - up to a daily contrast shower. In a few weeks you will get used to cold water, and the cold will be a pleasure, and your body will adapt faster and better to the decrease in ambient temperature. In this way, you will more easily tolerate the fall period", - he concluded.

The day before trichologist Victoria Tolstonosova said that in the fall period the human body receives less sun and vitamins, which negatively affects the condition of hair, so it is worth adhering to simple but important rules.

Tolstonosova recommended using nourishing moisturizing masks with avocado, shea butter and coconut oil. They will moisturize the hair shafts. According to the trichologist, it is worth limiting the use of styling products, but if there is still a need for them, you should first apply thermal protection.

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