The specialist explained the reasons for the ineffectiveness of home workouts

One of the reasons for the lack of the desired result from training at home is the wrong sequence of exercises for different muscle groups. This was told by Akulina Bakhturina, senior trainer of the international network of ballet and stretching studios LEVITA, in an interview with "Gazeta.Ru" on Sunday, September 22.
"The lack of the desired result may be related to the structure of the training itself. Perhaps, a person makes mistakes when composing the exercise itself. For example, he emphasizes the entire workout only on one problem area, does not work comprehensively with the whole body or does not work adjacent muscle groups. Thus, when working with the back, it is important not to forget about working with the abdominal muscles. Everything in our body is interconnected, so properly structured training helps to achieve results much faster and more effectively," - said the expert.
According to her, the problem sometimes lurks in the irregularity of exercises, when one and the same group of muscles is trained too intensively, or not trained at all. Bakhturina emphasized that working with a professional trainer can help avoid this. In addition, he will provide control over the correct technique.
"For example, let's take squats or lunges. It may seem that these common and really effective exercises are performed correctly, but a minimal deviation of the body to the wrong side is enough, and another muscle group is already involved. Then it turns out that the work, for example, goes not on the gluteal muscles, as desired, but with the muscles of the legs and thighs," - said the trainer.
The trainer also helps to keep discipline, which makes skipping class more difficult.
"The coach supports, energizes emotionally and periodically makes you finish exercises and approaches to the end. And when you work on your own, sometimes you give yourself slack and finish exercises earlier than necessary," the expert explained.
In addition, home training sometimes does not take into account the peculiarities of the body and health problems. As a result, the load goes to the wrong muscle groups and a person risks worsening the situation.
Before that, on September 15, rehabilitologist, specialist in mechanotherapy, founder and head of the Gustav Zander Center for Mechanotherapy, Vladimir Bonnar. Vladimir Bondarenko explained that morning exercises help to cheer up and tone muscles, but many people make the mistake of making a simple exercise a full-fledged workout.
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