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The expression "life is like a fairy tale" can be interpreted not only as a synonym for ease of being and good luck in all matters. Science takes this layer of culture very seriously. Psychologists believe that children's fairy tales influence the fate and life scenario, actually hypnotizing a person. Why luck smiles on Cinderella, what will easily achieve Sleeping Beauty and for what reason the alpha generation chooses Alice in Wonderland as a role model - in the material "Izvestia".

As Carl Jung said

Psychologist Anna Guseva calls the fairy tale a small model of the world, through which you can teach a child what is good and what is bad. A little person, listening to fairy tales, mentally puts himself in the place of the main character, reacts to different situations in a certain way. And if you are attentive to the baby, you can understand what worries him at this moment, what he is afraid of, what he dreams about.

- We as children knew and loved many fairy tales. With age, these stories may have lost their relevance, obscured by new information, new interests. Most of us no longer remember our once favorite fairy tale characters. But fairy tales continue to live in the subconscious and influence the scenario of our lives, " says Anna Guseva.

Photo: Global Look Press/Annette Riedl

According to the psychologist, it is important to consider what was the very first fairy tale, what the child listened to in the preschool period, as well as what books read already in adolescence, when he was interested in stories and novels. Any works have an influence on a person.

- It can be seen that the dominant stereotype of a person's behavior often determines his line of destiny, based on the actions of a literary hero. And this hero could not necessarily be liked," Guseva continues.

The expert recalls that the German psychologist Carl Jung introduced the concept of the collective unconscious. This term denotes the cumulative socio-cultural experience of all mankind for all time of existence and has a huge influence on descendants.

- Jung singled out in a special class of psychic phenomena that can be transmitted from generation to generation. The collective unconscious is filled with so-called archetypes - universal optimal schemes of behavior, which in the real life of each person are filled with specific content, - says Anna Guseva.

ребенок с книгой
Photo: Getty Images/Astrakan Images

According to the psychologist, the fairy tale is entirely woven from images that operate unconscious part of the psyche. It actually concretizes archetypes.

A special literary construction of fairy tales is also connected with the subconscious. It is only worth paying attention to the specific proverbs and endings, for example - "lived-alive", "and I was there", "good young man" "red maiden".

- The language of fairy tales differs from the everyday language. There is a frequent repetition of phrases - these features are very similar to the fairy tale with hypnosis programs, when a person is put into a trance at hypnotic sessions. The fairy tale has exactly the same approach," says Guseva.

If we especially remembered and liked some plot, it means that it resonated with the structures of our individuality, touched the deep strings of the soul.

- A fairy tale can be compared to a tuning for tuning subconscious stereotypes. And by understanding the content of our favorite fairy tale, we can better understand our tasks, problems and goals, treat them more constructively, develop the right strategy of behavior that will lead to something positive, because most fairy tales have a happy ending, - says the expert

Winner or loser

Olga Radziuk, clinical psychologist, gestalt therapist, senior psychologist at Dr. Isaev's Clinic, notes that every fairy tale describes the hero's journey - a story in which someone sets out on a journey, encounters obstacles, overcomes them and as a result transforms himself and changes his life.

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According to her, every culture has its favorite fairy tales that tell children how to live, what is good and evil, what obstacles can be met on their way.

- In psychology of the 20th century, one of the most popular books was Eric Berne's "Games People Play," Radziuk said. - The author describes the most typical scenarios: winners, non-winners and losers.

The most vivid scenario of the winner, from the point of view of psychologists, is considered a fairy tale about Cinderella. Hard work, good disposition and honesty of the girl are generously rewarded by fate. As a result, Cinderella receives the love of a beautiful prince.

- But it is possible to achieve success in another way: Sleeping Beauty quietly waits for the prince, who will do everything himself. The cherished goal will be achieved. In a sense, Eastern wisdom says the same thing: if you sit on the riverbank for a long time, the corpse of your enemy will float past you," says the interviewee.

Чтение книги
Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Psychology is inexorable: roles are scheduled according to scripts. Non-winners are assigned by fate to work hard to stay at the existing level. The non-winner says: better a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky. This scenario is most vividly traced in Sisyphus - he is forced to endlessly drag a heavy stone up the mountain, Radziuk emphasizes. And the loser, justifying his misfortunes, says: "if not..., I would...", "if only...", etc. An example of such a loser is Snow White's evil stepmother.

- Each character is a particular archetype. The prince who wins the heart of his beloved with bravery and wit is always a relevant male scenario. Bluebeard is the rich male abuser. Sister, saving the life of brothers in trouble, weaving them shirts from nettles despite the searing pain, - a vivid example of co-dependent scenario of a woman, - says Olga Radziuk.

According to the clinical psychologist, most fairy tales are actual models of life of men and women. This explains their popularity among the people.

The way of the hero

Anna Guseva advises to pay attention to the time in which a person grew up. For example, people born in 1960-1975 (the so-called "last Soviet generation", Generation X) were brought up on Russian folk tales, which were replaced by such books as "Timur and His Team", "The Two Captains", "The Three Musketeers" and others. Teamwork was relevant to these people, which is reflected in their book world.

Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Millennials choose the fairy tale "Cinderella" and books such as "Niels' Journey with the Wild Geese" by Selma Lagerlöf and "The Prince and the Beggar" by Mark Twain. People of this generation are optimistic, tolerant, and value freedom of choice. They try not to limit themselves to work, marriage, children, permanent place of residence. Like literary heroes, they take small steps to the goal. But, nevertheless, waiting for a sudden quick breakthrough. It is believed that this approach to life helped Millennials to quickly adapt in the information space and start building a business on the Internet without fear of difficulties and certain risks.

- Generation Zet (1997-2010) are visualizers. They need everything bright and beautiful, so they are especially fond of Alexander Volkov's book "The Wizard of Emerald City". And the alpha generation, born after 2010, wants to go beyond the boundaries of reality. For them, in particular, Lewis Carroll's book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is relevant," says the expert.

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Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko

The psychologist emphasizes that it is a paper book definitely has a greater impact on human development than a movie or cartoon. When reading works tactile, visual and auditory connection. A baby snuggles up to his mom when he is scared, looks at the pictures, asks to repeat a passage, asks questions and gets answers.

- And digital is a fixing state. An artificial story is perceived differently, and there is no need for adult participation. A child watches cartoons alone," says Guseva.

That is why it is important for adults to know that a classic fairy tale is the shortest path along which an adult can approach a child's inner world and pass on his or her life experience, teach him or her to dream, to strive for more, to find his or her way. Fairy tales develop children unobtrusively, but purposefully. It is hard to explain important things without them.

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Photo: Global Look Press/Fernando Gutierrez-Juarez

A clinical psychologist believes that now, due to the current situation, the warrior archetype is very relevant.

- And, probably, in many families mothers read their sons fairy tales about military valor, such as, for example, "Porridge of the Axe", "Ognivo". That is, fairy tales in which the hero wins and comes home with victory, defends his life, family, loved ones, his country," says Olga Radziuk.

According to the clinical psychologist, in the female version these are fairy tales about how with her love, patience and warmth a woman saves and preserves the life of her loved one.

Rewriting the script

It is important to discuss the readings with children, and if there is not a very favorable ending, the psychologist advises to fantasize and together come up with another, happier. This technique helps adults who realize that the scenario of their life is closed to a sad fairy tale. In this case, it is necessary to read it again, to understand why it is a sad story in the soul. It is important to remember, if possible, who at one time read the fairy tale and from the position of today to assess how it has affected life. It is even possible that the negative dynamics carried the main character, who once liked. Working through these nuances are psychotherapists, but if you want, you can analyze the fairy tale yourself.

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Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov

Clinical psychologist suggests that a person must give himself permission to live differently - this will help to free himself from the unwanted scenario. For this purpose it is important to realize what kind of fairy tale life is like, who is the favorite character and what happened to him at the end of the fairy tale?

- If we don't like this ending, give ourselves permission to live differently. On your own or with a psychologist come up with your own personal new fairy tale, - suggests the expert.

Anna Guseva recommends at any age to read more and realize what you read. This promotes development and prevents you from getting "stuck" on a certain story that prevents you from moving on.

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