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Nutritionist named foods that increase the risk of developing stomach cancer

Nutritionist Pavlyuk: salty food causes stomach cancer
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Nutritionist Natalia Pavlyuk told us which food contributes to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer.

In an interview with Radio 1 on Thursday, March 27, the specialist noted that hot and salty food and excessive consumption are harmful to the stomach. To a greater extent, this is what causes problems.

"A lot of salty food is a risk of stomach cancer. Fried foods rich in trans fats and various carcinogens will also be harmful to the stomach," the nutritionist explained.

According to her, the body tends to absorb harmful substances too quickly, which is why it tolerates such food worse. It immediately results in a high glycemic index, the load on metabolic processes increases, and sugar rises. In this regard, the risk of insulin resistance and weight gain is higher.

In January, oncologist Rasul Akhmaev spoke about the risks of developing stomach cancer. Among the factors influencing this, the doctor named heredity, helicobacter infection, poor nutrition, bad habits, and in addition, background diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In June last year, Alevtina Kiseleva, a surgeon, oncologist, and mammologist, said that sausages, sausages, ham, bacon, canned food, and meat stacks are among the products that contribute to cancer with frequent use. The fact is that the trans fats, stabilizers and other harmful substances contained in them can provoke cancer of the stomach, intestines and breast.

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