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The ophthalmologist named the diseases that lead to vision loss

Ophthalmologist Mirgorodskaya: hemophthalmos can lead to vision loss
Photo: IZVESTIA/Sergey Lantyukhov
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Vision problems are a common phenomenon. However, it is important to understand that in some cases we may be talking about pathologies that can lead to its complete loss. Therefore, it is important to recognize the warning signs in time. On March 27, Svetlana Mirgorodskaya, ophthalmologist, microsurgeon at SM Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences, told Izvestia about them.

According to her, one of the most dangerous pathologies is retinal detachment. It occurs due to ruptures or vitreoretinal proliferation, which can develop against the background of diabetic retinopathy, as well as infectious lesions — bacterial or viral. A problem can be suspected by symptoms such as flashes of light, lightning in the field of vision, or the appearance of floating dark spots.

The second dangerous pathology is vitreous hemorrhage, known as hemophthalmos. It can occur due to injury, a sharp jump in blood pressure, retinal tears, or complications of diabetes mellitus. At the same time, a person notices floating dark elements in the eyes, feels blurred or the effect of "turbidity".

"In addition, disruption of blood flow in the retinal vessels is dangerous in this regard. It often happens unexpectedly, more often in the morning, and manifests itself as a sudden appearance of a dark spot in front of the eyes or even a short—term complete loss of vision," Mirgorodskaya added.

Another disease that causes severe visual impairment is anterior ischemic neuropathy. According to the doctor, this is manifested by a spot in the field of vision or blurred vision.

"It is also worth mentioning retrobulbar neuritis, which occurs against the background of infections, toxic effects (for example, alcohol poisoning or heavy metals), as well as multiple sclerosis. It is characterized by a gradual deterioration of vision that cannot be corrected with glasses," the specialist said.

According to her, sudden visual disturbances can be associated with other factors: strokes, tumor processes, injuries, burns or fractures of the skull.

"For any alarming symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible: timely treatment directly affects the likelihood of restoring visual functions," the specialist concluded.

Earlier, on March 6, Zarina Kurachinova, chief physician of the federal network of eye clinics World Vision Clinic, told Izvestia about the causes of glaucoma and its symptoms. She cited genetics, high intraocular pressure, vascular problems and stress as the main reasons. If you have iridescent circles in front of your eyes, periodic blurring of the image, a sharp deterioration in vision in the dark and headaches, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

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