Russia has created a universal engine for drones

A new electric motor for drones has been developed at the Advanced Engineering School of the Moscow Aviation Institute. They can be equipped with various types of propeller-driven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The power unit mainly consists of Russian-made components. In mass production, it can compete with its Chinese counterparts in its class. However, with a minor design change, the engine can be installed on land and surface drones.
"Electric motors are mainly produced in China. However, at a comparable cost, the development of MAI has better material quality and higher mass-energy indicators. In particular, at a rotational speed of 6800 revolutions per minute, the engine can provide long—term power of up to 12-13 kW and short—term power of up to 16 kW," Nikolai Ivanov, head of the Research Department of the Department of Electric Power, Electromechanical and Biotechnical Systems at MAI, told Izvestia.
He explained that the developers improved the engine parameters due to the author's computational modeling technique, which allowed them to determine the most rational ways to close the magnetic flux. In some cases, the efficiency gain reaches 10%.
Read more in the exclusive Izvestia article:
Base shift: Russia has created a universal engine for drones
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