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Popular smartphones in Russia are named

Study: Apple has risen to first place in the ranking of popular smartphones
Photo: IZVESTIA/Pavel Volkov
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During the year, Apple rose from third place to first in the top 5 popular smartphones of Russians, displacing Xiaomi and Samsung to the second and third lines, respectively. This is stated in the results of a study of the service for accepting online and offline payments in YUKASSA (owned by the fintech company Humopeu) and the federal mobile virtual operator Sberbank Mobile, which were reviewed by Izvestia on March 21.

Huawei occupies the fourth position, and Realme occupies the fifth.

Analysts noted that the distribution of popular manufacturers differs depending on the age of Russians. Users who are between 18 and 35 years old prefer Apple smartphones. Users over 35 are more likely to choose Xiaomi smartphones.

The results of the study specify that the electronics segment remains one of the most growing on the market. Last winter, turnover in this category increased by 83% year-on-year, and payments doubled.

At the same time, the average check decreased by 11%, to 17,133 rubles. Experts attributed the decrease in the average receipt in the electronics category to sales, but added that buyers in general began to choose more budget products more often.

Earlier, on March 18, it was reported that prices for Chinese smartphones decreased by 20% in the first weeks of March. Market participants told Izvestia about this. At the same time, manufacturers from China have increased their advertising and marketing activities.

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