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Icebreaker opened the channel on the Neva River to help a stranded cargo ship

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The Nevskaya Zastava icebreaker managed to destroy part of the ice-bound water space on the Neva River in order to ensure the safety of the passage of ships. He came to the rescue of the stranded dry cargo ship Svetly 22.

Earlier, experts from the Committee on Environmental Management warned that the capacity of this icebreaker might not be enough to rescue a stranded vessel. However, he succeeded, the 78 TV channel clarifies.

At the same time, the Nevsky Zastava cannot continue moving for the time being. Employees of the regional aviation rescue service arrived at the scene of the incident. With the help of drones, they monitor the situation.

So far, no oil spill or violation of the visual integrity of the bulk carrier has been recorded.

The situation is also being monitored by employees of the Leningrad-Finland Transport Prosecutor's Office.

The icebreaker Svetly 22 got stuck in the ice after it got loose from the pier. On March 19, it became known about the dry cargo ship that drifted into the Neva River in the Leningrad Region. Rescue services were sent to the scene. In addition, the Leningrad-Finnish Transport Prosecutor's Office is conducting an audit of the implementation of legislation on the safety of navigation.

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