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Experts spoke about popular travel destinations among Russians

OneTwoTrip: Thailand turned out to be the most popular destination for wintering among tourists
Photo: IZVESTIA/Eduard Kornienko
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Thailand turned out to be the most popular destination for travelers to spend the winter, the OneTwoTrip travel planning service told Izvestia on March 8.

One third of long-term bookings are made at resorts in this country. Most often, tourists chose four-star hotels (they account for 31% of bookings), and the average cost of a night was 12 thousand rubles.

One fifth of Russian travelers spent the winter in Vietnam (21.9%). Four-star hotels were also in the highest demand there (35%), where a room cost about 9 thousand rubles per night.

Indonesia is on the third line. It accounted for 9.4% of all foreign aircraft bookings. Tourists mostly chose four-star hotels (39%), a night cost about 11 thousand rubles.

In addition, China with a 2.5% share and the Philippines (2.3%) were among the most popular destinations. In China, Russians preferred five-star hotels (46%, the average cost per night was 15 thousand rubles), and in the Philippines — three-star hotels (31%, 8 thousand rubles per day).

The list also includes India (2.1%), Argentina (2.0%), the UAE (1.8%), Uzbekistan (1.6%) and Sri Lanka (1.3%). In India, Russian travelers spent the winter in five-star hotels (42%, a night cost about 17 thousand rubles), as well as in the UAE (41%, 35 thousand rubles). In Argentina, they stayed mainly in four-star hotels (36%, 20 thousand rubles), while in Uzbekistan and Sri Lanka they preferred non—star accommodation facilities - apartments and guest houses (45%, 10 thousand rubles and 9 thousand rubles per day, respectively).

Earlier, on February 14, the service's analysts Izvestia was informed that there was a significant increase in interest among Russians in author tours abroad. According to experts, this trend may be related to a number of factors, including the depreciation of the dollar, which makes foreign tourism more accessible to consumers.

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