Although March is commonly considered women's cinema month, this year distributors have managed to break the tradition: premieres are suitable for a wide variety of audiences and are equally aimed at representatives of both sexes. And if the comedy "One Good Day" and the melodrama "My Boyfriend is a Prince" are really intended primarily for beautiful ladies, then the male audience has nothing to be offended about: the social thriller "The Collapse of the World" and the action thriller "The Master" with Jason Statham have been prepared for them this month. And at least all representatives of the older generation, regardless of gender, will shed tears over the sports biopic "Rodnina". Izvestia reports on the most notable film premieres in March.
"One Good day"
March 6th
Katya (Anastasia Talyzina — "Air") He lives in an urban-type settlement with the witty name of Zhupa and dreams of becoming a fashion designer, moving to Moscow and making a resounding career. But Katerina's family and friends do not understand her ambitious aspirations: her mother constantly sends her to weed the garden and pick slugs from cabbage, the neighbor's boyfriend is eager to woo, and the future mother-in-law declares that it's time for her to have kids: she's 21 years old, after all. From such pressure Katya tries to run without looking back, leaving Zhupa either on a passing train, or on a rowing boat, or even on her own two feet — but each time fate throws her out again and again on that very day with cabbage and matchmaking. She will have to sort herself out, find a quiet charm in the Bug and overcome her own mistakes. A handsome farmer (Roman Evdokimov — "Dyatlov Pass") will help her in this, in whose company Zhupa no longer seems to be such a deep hole...
If Katin's "groundhog Day" inherits the famous film of the same name, it is solely in the title, not in the plot, and certainly not in the meaning. Bill Murray's character is looking for himself, and Katya is quite ready to settle for a charming farmer, in whose company all her professional ambitions shrink to a dress sewn with the help of her grandmother. Well, that's quite a goal, no worse than others. However, Evdokimov's character's highlighting is clearly from a good stylist. With so many handsome men and failed couture stars, Jupa will soon become a fashionable place, don't go to a fortune teller.
March 6
The biographical film is based on the memoirs of the great figure skater "The Champion's Tear" and describes in detail her path in sports. The sickly girl was brought to the rink by her parents on the advice of a doctor so that she would get stronger, but in the end figure skating becomes her dream and destiny.Through the first failures, pain, mistakes, she moves to glory, to the first medals, to the Olympic podium and the admiration of the whole planet.
The film was shot by a strong professional Konstantin Statsky ("Major", "Closed School"), who claimed that he was making a picture about love — for loved ones, for his profession, for his Homeland. Rodnina herself responded favorably to the film. The role of the champion was played by a young actress of the Sphere theater Vladislav Samokhin, who looked surprisingly similar to Rodnina. She started skating only during filming, and by the end of the work she worked hard — and here willpower plus character! — I skated quite well. Computer graphics, a team of stuntmen and a very real Olympic champion Alexey Yagudin helped to achieve authenticity in the scenes on the ice. The plot will not bring surprises, giving all the necessary components of a strong sports biopic — endless falls, a brawling coach protecting his charges from the temptations of the outside world, the treachery of American rivals and, of course, the bright triumph of Soviet sports, which does not even need to be invented here. Take your grandmother to the cinema — she will listen to the crazy staccato of Kalinka with tears in her eyes.
"My boyfriend is a prince"
March 6th
Sofia is a modern independent girl who dreams of true love. She works in the publishing business and cannot imagine life without a mobile phone and the Internet, loves Jane Austen's books and believes that she should have been born there and then, in England of the Romantic era. And fate goes out to meet her: Sophie finds herself in another time, where she meets the prince of her dreams. However, it will not be easy for two people, even if they were created for each other, but separated not only by distance, but also by time, to understand that they were created for each other and figure out how to stay together.
A film about the successful search for Prince charming on March 8 must be present in the movie poster as a last desperate step for poor students who decided to give their beloved women a holiday in terms of movie ticket prices and a couple of hours of free time. The traditional plot about a real prince from the past, performed by Brazilian cinematographers, has been enriched with South American passions and articles worthy of the series, resolute glances of flaming black eyes, wide gestures, expanses of plains and horse gallop — there is definitely no more romance in one day. Everything will end well, they will get married. A worthy gift for a women's party.
"The Collapse of the World"
March 13
An unknown deadly virus that affects only the rich is rapidly spreading around the world. The wealthiest people on the planet are beginning to feverishly get rid of money and assets in unsuccessful attempts to escape, the former poor are happy to appropriate the accumulated wealth of generations of the elite in order to share their fate in a matter of days. In a matter of weeks, the world plunges into chaos: people randomly flee cities, and anyone who appears to be a carrier of the virus threatens instant death. Among those who find themselves in mortal danger is a young career woman named Laura, who became rich on the eve of the disaster. To save herself and her loved ones, she has to figure out who would benefit from pushing society into the abyss.
By all accounts, the unremarkable thriller is worth paying attention to, at least because of two notable script details. First of all, it seems that the Colombian filmmakers involved in the project know a lot about social cruelty. The instant atomization of society, the bloody skirmishes that arise from nothing and turn civilized people into wild animals, are filmed convincingly and truly terrifyingly. And secondly, hand on heart, nothing satisfies an abstract sense of justice better than the spectacle of retribution for ill-gotten wealth.
March 20
Shelly has been working as a dancer in one of the most famous shows in Las Vegas for thirty years. Once she broke up with her parents, who could not accept her choice, but she has never regretted it, because dancing is her vocation. But now the show to which she gave her life is closing, and if her young colleagues have no problems finding new jobs, then Shelly, who is already in her fifties, no one is in a hurry to offer a place in a dance troupe.After many unsuccessful auditions and equally unsuccessful attempts to get a new job, Shelly realizes that dancing is her only vocation. And then shedecides to take a desperate step — turns to friends to raise money and launch her own show, having achieved success again.
The main role in "Showgirl" was played by Pamela Anderson, for whom the film is partly autobiographical: a blonde with a stunning bust received a star ticket in 1992, appearing in a revealing red swimsuit in "Rescuers of Malibu", and lasted at the heights of fame for about a decade and a half - in other words, until the legendary bust began noticeably lose freshness. Now Anderson, the same age as her character, appears on the screen in a new role.: she does not hide any wrinkles or drooping eyelids, while demonstrating a good physical and creative form, saying in word and deed that all ages are submissive to creativity. However, the roll call of the names still makes you think of Paul Verhoeven's "Showgirls" (by the way, Anderson starred in an episode there). The director's last name inspires hope.: Gia Coppola is the granddaughter of the master, one of the youngest members of the famous family film club, who knows how to surprise. Maybe it will work out now.
"The Master"
March 27
After his wife's death, special services agent Levon Kade quits and goes to work as a construction site foreman. He soon realizes that he is happy in his new life: he works and raises his daughter, he is loved by his colleagues and respected by his superiors, and he considers his new colleagues to be close people. Therefore, when the daughter of Levon's boss goes missing, and the girl's parents, who know about his difficult past, turn to him for help, Cade does not think for a second. He will have to not only find the missing woman, but also unravel the tangle of corruption, which involves mafia clans and corrupt officials who have created a human trafficking network.
Paintings with Jason Statham are always honed tricks, well—staged fights and an energetic plot, diluted with salty male jokes. Humor is promised on a high level: when Statham at a construction site calls on his hard workers to finish the day without losing a single finger, the audience immediately realizes that someone will definitely not be lucky with their fingers soon. And Jason won't let you down, of course: many people will miss their favorite body parts. The script of the film was written by Sylvester Stallone, and the film was directed by David Eyre, known for Suicide Squad.
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