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Indexation of pensions to 80-year-old citizens
Increase in payments to military pensioners
Indexation of social pensions for disabled people
Increase in payments to retired pensioners
How much will maternity benefits increase?
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On March 1, the next indexation of social payments and pensions in 2025 will be made. Some Russians will be able to receive increased amounts of assistance. The indexation will affect military pensioners, disabled people, citizens who reached the age of 80 in February, as well as women receiving maternity benefits. Read more about how much will increase benefits and pensions from March 1 - in the material "Izvestia".

Indexation of pensions to 80-year-old citizens

Russians who reached the venerable age of 80 years in February, can count on receiving an increased insurance pension. It consists of two main parts: a fixed payment and an individual part depending on the accumulated pension points and length of service.

According to the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" (Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 400 of 28.12.2013), when a pensioner reaches the age of 80, the amount of his fixed payment is doubled. Accordingly, from March 1, 2025, pensioners who have already turned 80 will receive an additional 8,907 rubles to their pension. The addition will be made automatically from the 1st day of the month following the month of reaching the age of 80. For example, if a citizen turned 80 in February, the increased pension will be accrued in March.

It is important to note that this increase applies only to recipients of an old-age insurance pension. Citizens who receive a social pension are not entitled to a doubling of the fixed payment when they reach the age of 80, since their pension is formed according to other principles.

In addition, from the age of 80, pensioners are entitled to a compensatory payment for care, which from January 1, 2025 increased from 1,200 to 1,314 rubles as a result of indexation. This support measure is intended to compensate for the costs of caring for incapacitated citizens.

Increase in payments to military pensioners

From March 1, 2025, increased payments will also be received by military pensioners. Indexation will affect all former military personnel who are entitled to a pension for length of service or for health reasons. Law enforcement officers, including former police officers, members of the Russian Federal Guard, firefighters and bailiffs, can also expect an increase. The increase in payments will also affect widows of servicemen.

The amount of the increase depends on the salary of the military position and rank, as well as on the number of years of service. March additional payment will be made based on the amount of actual inflation, which in 2024 amounted to 9.5%. Since last October pensions for military pensioners and persons equated to them were already increased by 5.1%, in March payments will be increased by the remaining 4.4%. Indexation will be made at the expense of an increase in the monetary allowance, taken into account in the calculation of pension payments. In February 2025, this indicator was increased from 89.83 to 93.59% (Federal Law No. 8 of 13.02.2025). The second increase in military pensions will take place in the fall.

Indexation of social pensions for disabled people

Most social pensions will be traditionally indexed in April 2025, but before the rest of the increased payments will come to pensioners with disability of the first group. This category implies that a person is incapable of work and needs constant care.

From March 1, citizens will be able to receive an additional payment equal to the amount of the established fixed payment, which in 2025 is 8907 rubles. Accordingly, pensioners with a disability of group I will be charged an increased payment - 17,814 rubles.

Increase in payments to retired pensioners

From January 1, 2025, the fixed part of the old-age insurance pension for both working and non-working pensioners was increased by 9.5% - up to 8907 rubles. The size of the individual pension coefficient (IPK) also increased to 145 rubles. In this regard, Russians who completed their official labor activity in February, in March will be able to receive an increased payment.

How much will maternity benefits increase?

On March 1, 2025, a new law (Federal Law No. 324-FZ of 08.08.2024) will come into force, which provides for an increase in the amount of maternity benefits for women dismissed as a result of the liquidation of enterprises or the termination of individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers to the level of the regional subsistence minimum.

It is important to remember that under Russian labor law, an employer has no right to dismiss a woman in a position. The only exception to this rule is the liquidation of an organization or the end of a fixed-term employment contract concluded with an employee on the condition of temporary replacement of another employee.

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