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Expert gives tips on organizing a successful trip with children

Kosheleva expert: when traveling, it is worth choosing a flight that coincides with the child's sleep
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko
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A family trip is not only a great way to spend time together, but also an opportunity to show your children new places, broaden their horizons and get bright impressions. However, in order for the trip to go smoothly and safely, it is important to take into account many nuances. Elena Kosheleva, Project Director of SberStrakhovanie, told how to prepare for the road and what to pay attention to when traveling with children of different ages.

First, she recommended starting with a well thought-out itinerary. When planning a trip, she said, it is important to take into account the age of the child: children of three-four years old better tolerate short trips (by airplane - up to three hours, by train or car - no more than five-seven), and stay better in hotels equipped with amenities for babies. For example, where there is a crib and the possibility of heating food.

"Be sure to specify where on the route are the nearest rest stops, so that you can have a snack, stretch or quickly change a diaper - it will help to avoid overwork and make the road calmer," - said Kosheleva.

If the child is already five years old, you can plan longer and more complicated routes. As the expert explained, at this age children are more active, better tolerate the road and enjoy visiting parks, museums or play centers.

If the family plans to travel by airplane, they should choose a flight that coincides with the child's day or night sleep - so parents will be able to reduce stress.

In addition, Kosheleva recommended preparing all the necessary documents in advance.

"For traveling within Russia, a child's birth certificate or passport is usually enough, but if you are planning a trip abroad, you will need a valid passport for each family member and a visa, if necessary. Don't forget to think about insurance: it is often a prerequisite for entering another country. However, in any case, medical care abroad can be expensive, but the policy will cover these costs. It is especially important when traveling with children - the immune system of kids is more vulnerable to a new climate and unfamiliar food," she said.

It is also worth collecting a first-aid kit: it should include antipyretics and painkillers, plasters, antiseptics, medications for upset stomach, drugs against motion sickness and individual medications prescribed by a pediatrician. It is recommended to keep documents and a first aid kit in an easily accessible place.

"Comfort while traveling is another key factor. Depending on the mode of transportation and the length of the trip, take a spare set of clothes in case the child gets dirty, as well as warm or, conversely, lightweight things to quickly adapt to temperature changes. Do not forget about baby food, water and light snacks, so as not to disrupt the children's eating habits," Kosheleva advised.

When planning a road trip you should make sure that the car seat corresponds to the age and weight of the child and is installed correctly - this is a guarantee of children's safety. In addition, you should make regular stops every two or three hours, so that all family members can rest, and the younger ones can also discharge their energy. The expert advised to think over games and activities on the way: coloring books, audio stories and various toys will help to enthuse the child and avoid crankiness from boredom.

"If you travel by train or fly by plane, find out in advance what services and entertainment are available on board and in the waiting room, so that you can use children's areas or order special meals. In addition, some carriers give themed gifts to their young guests, which will make their journey even more exciting," Kosheleva added.

Earlier, February 19, it was reported that the most popular citiesfor tourists who will go on trips in March were Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg. Among foreign destinations Istanbul, Dubai and Tokyo are popular. This follows from the data of the travel planning service OneTwoTrip.

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