Turkish praise: "Knock on my door" fans surrounded a movie theater in Moscow

Unprecedented excitement in the capital caused a secular premiere of the Turkish movie "Leave it to the Wind". The closed screening took place on January 30 in the Oktyabr cinema and gathered hundreds of people at its windows and inside. The reason - to present the picture in Moscow came the star of the hit series "Knock on my door" Hande Erchel and actor Barysh Arduch, known to fans of turdizi on the melodrama "Love for Hire". On how the premiere was held, as well as details of an exclusive meeting with the actors and their impressions of Russia - in the material "Izvestia".
"Russian cuisine will definitely enter my top"
Many are still surprised: "Are Turkish TV series so popular?!" This question was repeatedly heard in the crowd of journalists, tightly lined up on the red carpet in the capital's "October" before the premiere of the movie "Leave it to the Wind". What was going on around them should have, if not aroused a desire, then at least for the sake of an experiment in the evening to test it and turn on "Knock on my door", "The Magnificent Century", "Black Love", "Cranberry sherbet" or "Wintergreen".
Turdizi fans started gathering three hours before the show, two hours before the show it was barely possible to push through in the hall, an hour later dozens of people eager to see their idols surrounded the fence at the press-volley, climbed the stairs leading to the second floor for a better view and stuck to the windows from the street. The main heroes of the evening, because of which all this excitement was ignited, were the star of "Knock on My Door" Hande Erchel, who played Serkan Bolat's beloved Edu, and Barysh Arduch, known to Russian viewers for the TV series "Love for Hire". They flew to Moscow specially for the premiere of the movie "Leave it to the wind".
In the center of the plot of the relationship between a hot guy Ege Yazigi, who spends all his time either in the kitchen of a cozy restaurant, or riding the waves in the surf, and businesswoman Asly Mansoy, who is accustomed to achieve their own. They are heirs to the Yazman group of companies and last saw each other when they were five years old. The couple will have to find common ground in order to save the bay that Ege loves so much from development, on the one hand, and on the other hand - the company, which is in crisis.
- Filming of the movie took place in the resort place Cesme. And the climate there is actually very hot. Despite the fact that the air temperature reached 40 degrees, the water in the sea was very cold. And when my producer kept telling me to go into the sea again and again, I was in shock," Hande Erchel admitted.
On the red carpet, the guests were not generous in their comments to journalists, but the media, including Izvestia, were invited to a press conference at The Carlton Hotel, Moscow a few hours earlier to talk to the artists face to face.
- It was always in my plans to visit Moscow," Hande said. - I haven't eaten anything for about 24 hours and the first thing I had was the Breakfast of the Burlak. I felt like I had butterflies flying in my stomach. I loved it, it was very tasty, hearty, excellent! Also, when I arrived in the morning, I had the feeling that it was still New Year's Eve. A great feeling!
Russian cuisine was also appreciated by Barysh Arduch.
- We ate "Breakfast of a Burlak" at the Beluga restaurant. I realized that I wanted to become a burlak(laughs). The food was really amazing, very tasty! Russian cuisine will definitely be in my top, I think. I am very happy! I wanted to see snow in Moscow, of course, we had such an association, but maybe it's good that it didn't happen, there is a desire to come again and see, - said the actor.
When asked what characters from the Russian classics they would like to play, the actor answered - Raskolnikov, and Hande Erchel is inspired by the heroine of Tolstoy.
- I want to play the role of Anna Karenina, because she has a very difficult fate, - said the actress.
Hande Erchel admitted that she is not familiar with Russian cinematography, but she is interested to see movies with Yura Borisov.
- I am sure that there are worthy works, popular. I heard that there is a very young actor Yuri Borisov. I would like to get acquainted with his work," she said.
The Turkish version of "Holop" and the Russian adaptation of "Knock on my door" she has not seen, but heard about their existence. The actress believes that the exchange of scripts between our countries helps to bring people together. A similar thought was expressed by the director of "Leave it to the Wind" Engin Erden, who also flew to Russia.
- I haven't had a chance to see these movies yet, but it sounds like a good exchange between cultures, and I hope we will continue in the same spirit: something from us to Russia, something from Russia to Turkey," he said.
"Leave it to the Wind" premieres in Moscow
In the evening, briefly lingering on the red carpet of "October", the team of the premiere movie addressed the audience from the stage.
- Hello, Russia! - Hande said in a charming accent to the raucous cheers.
- Hello, Russia! We are happy to be with you. You look great! - supported in Russian Barysh.
The speech was interrupted by shouts of the audience from the hall - in Turkish. In their native language, the guests confessed their love and thanked for the visit. Perhaps such a reaction actors did not expect. It seemed that the Turkish actress could barely hold back her tears.
- Thanks to you, we will definitely not forget this evening. Thank you very much for that! This is my first time here and I see such a reaction from your side! It's an incredible happiness for me! We made a very warm movie with Barysh, director, scriptwriter. I hope you will like it! - concluded her address to the audience Hande Erchel.
In the Russian distribution of the film "Leave it to the wind" will be released on February 6. On how many Turkish stars flew to Moscow, did not report. But the ubiquitous fans of turdizi will surely still snatch a chance to see the idols. Immediately after the show, some viewers tried to guess in which restaurant Hande and Barysh will dine this evening.
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