A nutritionist has pointed out the link between a lack of protein in the diet and frequent colds
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- A nutritionist has pointed out the link between a lack of protein in the diet and frequent colds
Nutritionist and nutritionist Sofia Kovanova warned that the lack of protein in the diet may be the cause of frequent colds and other seasonal diseases.
In a conversation with aif.ru on January 24, the specialist noted that protein is useful not only for muscle growth, but also for the immune system and normalization of all processes and the work of all systems of the body.
"Therefore, if your diet lacks protein, there will be problems with immunity and frequent illnesses," - emphasized the nutritionist.
According to Kovanova, if there are contraindications for the use of animal proteins, they should be compensated with proteins of plant origin. They are contained in nuts, avocados, vegetable oils. It is also important to keep your norm, not overeating and not starving, writes Pravda.Ru.
The expert pointed out that the "diet for immunity" includes a proper and balanced diet. You can include trace elements and vitamins in the diet, and eat foods rich in them to support the body during colds, writes 360.ru.
Vitamin C, for example, helps and works in general not only as a support, but also as an antioxidant, so it is worth adding it to the diet in winter, notes the website kp.ru.
On January 17, dentist-therapist Pavel Lysenkov advised to talk less in the cold to protect your teeth. According to him, temperature fluctuations, which appear when coming home from the street, can cause microcracks on the enamel surface. The risk increases many times if you drink hot drinks in the cold, notes Life.ru.
January 3, nutritionist and nutriciologist Olga Panova told how best to use ginger so that it brings maximum benefit. According to her, it is best to use fresh ginger root. You can also add it to tea, porridge, soups, salads and smoothies.
In December, nutritionist Elena Solomatina said that the lack of protein, as well as the lack of vitamins and trace elements can provoke increased appetite. Lack of magnesium, B vitamins, chromium, fiber strongly affect metabolism and the feeling of satiety, RT writes.
Also in December, therapist and nutritionist Alexander Potievsky said that during the winter cold season it is necessary to additionally strengthen the immune system in order not to get sick during the cold season. The doctor advised to add vitamin drinks to the diet to successfully resist infections, reports NSN.