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A nutritionist pointed out the unexpected properties of herbal tea

Salamatina nutritionist: herbal tea helps with diarrhea
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Doctor of nutrition, Candidate of Medical Sciences Elena Solomatina stated that herbal tea can be used to fight diarrhea.

In a conversation with Radio 1 on January 23, the specialist explained that any herbal tea contains its own biologically active substances - ingredients.

"Teas have an effect on our body: it can be soothing, tonic or antioxidant - anti-inflammatory," - told the nutritionist.

She added that some teas help with diarrhea because they contain tannin.

Meanwhile, warned Solomatina, you should not get carried away with herbal teas, because the effect of their use can be overly soothing. It is important to pay attention to individual tolerance. Herbal tinctures and decoctions themselves should not be prescribed, it is prescribed by a doctor.

In late December, scientists from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology found out that polyphenols in herbs, mushrooms and fruits, as well as extracts of chaga, mistletoe and other plants help to effectively combat hangovers. Experts noted that polyphenols help activate enzymes responsible for processing alcohol and reduce oxidative stress, reports NSN.

Also in December, gastroenterologist Daria Utyumova told RT that tea with cinnamon, cloves and fragrant black pepper is a useful drink in winter due to its vitamin content. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, specified IA Regnum.

December 13, pediatrician Victoria Shurupova told about the useful properties of tea. For example, ginger tea stimulates the immune system.

December 11, psychologist Larisa Nazarova said that homemade morses, compotes and herbal teas will help the child to observe drinking regime in winter. The specialist advised to serve children these drinks in a beautiful water bottle. It is also important to monitor the amount of sweets in the child's diet, notes

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