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Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) plays a crucial role in the Russian system of higher education and sets the vector for the development of universities in general. Vladimir Putin said this on January 24 during his visit to Moscow State University. On the eve of the 270th anniversary of the educational institution, the head of state awarded its staff with a sign of the Order "For Valorous Labor". According to him, Russian education is becoming more modern and better meets the needs of young people. Thus, the place of Moscow State University today is in the vanguard of the world's leading universities. At the same time, the university should expand opportunities for citizens from friendly countries to study Russian culture and increase international cooperation. What is the average salary of the teaching staff of Moscow State University and how much the new campus of the main university of the country may cost - in the material "Izvestia".

Putin noted the order of merit of the staff of Moscow State University

January 24, Vladimir Putin visited the Lomonosov Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov. The President of Russia in general visits MSU quite regularly: he spent Student Day here in at least 2019 and in 2023.

On January 24, many things pointed to the imminent arrival of the head of state, in particular, the increased security and the blocking along the main street between the buildings. In a conversation with Izvestia, students admitted that they immediately realized from these signs that "someone in charge, and possibly the most important one," was coming to visit them.

- I think Putin will be here today, because I was with the volunteers at an event where the president was present. Everything was exactly the same, but then they blocked the road so that they could barely pass, but now you can at least pass without any problems. And it's student day tomorrow. I'm actually going to the exam, I hope they didn't cancel it, - says student Ilya.

Indeed, on the eve of Student Day or, as it is called, Tatiana's Day on January 25, everything was ready for the arrival of the head of state. This time the president's program was received right in front of the legendary main building on Sparrow Hills - in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. By the way, it was Vladimir Putin who actually 20 years ago - January 25, 2005 - signed a decree declaring this date as the Day of Students, which was partly timed to coincide with the 250th anniversary of Moscow State University. Now the country's main university is celebrating 270 years since its foundation. In connection with the anniversary, the President was shown an exhibition: Putin examined the main exhibits and relics of the Museum of History of Moscow State University, including the decree of 1755 on the founding of the university. The museum's fund includes 3.5 thousand exhibits, an extensive photo library (10 thousand negatives), reflecting various stages of formation and development of the university.

- On this day (January 25 - Ed.) in 1755 on the initiative of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov and Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov the Moscow University was founded. From the very first days it was endowed with a special, responsible role in the cultural, scientific and social development of our Motherland - said Vladimir Putin at the ceremony.

In honor of the 270th anniversary, the head of state awarded the staff of the university with the Order "For Valorous Labor". The insignia was presented to the university rector Viktor Sadovnichy, who promised that Moscow State University would do everything to remain a leader in education and science.

For almost three centuries Moscow University has been "the heart of national education and science," the president said, and MSU still plays a leading, system-forming role in the entire system of national higher education.

- Here advanced ideas gained strength, brilliant scientific discoveries were made. It is indicative that half of Russian Nobel laureates studied or worked at Moscow University. I will say more, it gave a lot for the development of the entire higher school of Russia. The professor corps of universities in Kazan, Kharkov, Kiev, and other cities of the Russian Empire was formed to a large extent from the graduates of Moscow University, - said the President.

And already in the Soviet period, continued Vladimir Putin, about 60 universities, including Sechenov University, MGIMO, MIPT, took their origin from Moscow State University. The head of state even called legitimate the statement of the major historian Sergei Solovyov, who put the establishment of Moscow University on a par with such momentous events as the Baptism of Russia, the Battle of Kulikovo, the founding of St. Petersburg and the establishment of the Academy of Sciences.

The President urged Moscow State University to expand international ties

Next, Vladimir Putin held a meeting of the MSU Board of Trustees, which is a permanent body that works to strengthen the status of the Russian education system and solve its tasks. The last time Vladimir Putin took part in such an event was five years ago - in 2020. Now this is the sixth meeting chaired by the president. At the beginning, Vladimir Putin addressed the entire Russian student body, congratulating the young students on Tatiana's Day. He also addressed special congratulations to the members of the MSU Board of Trustees, staff, students and graduates of the university. According to the President's assessment, the natives of Moscow State University have always been characterized by high professionalism, a sense of brotherhood, pride for their alma mater, for their involvement in the great heritage of Moscow State University. Viktor Sadovnichy told Izvestia that more than 50 thousand students, 4 thousand graduate students, 300 academicians, 10 thousand doctors and candidates of sciences study and work at the university.

Against this background, the head of state outlined the priorities on which he advised to focus the attention of the Moscow University staff. Among the first points is the focus on achieving national development goals and technological leadership. According to Vladimir Putin, Moscow State University has the strongest core of fundamental faculties - chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics.

- I am convinced that even at the new stage, in the 21st century, MSU should be among the leading universities of the world, in the vanguard of national education and science, to make a significant and, in fact, unique contribution to the strengthening of human resources, scientific, technological, value and attitudinal sovereignty of Russia, - said the head of state.

The level of education in Russia as a whole is growing: it is becoming more modern and more responsive to the needs of young people. The methods created at Moscow State University should be used as a basis for training scientific and pedagogical personnel for all levels of education in the country, the head of state believes. In addition, Russia is actively developing federal and national research universities, and new strong universities, including non-state ones, are appearing.

- Moscow University needs to constantly build up, defend its leadership positions, be attractive in terms of conditions and quality of education. To prove to applicants the demand and a wide range of opportunities that a diploma of Moscow State University provides, - the President outlined the tasks.

Today Moscow State University also fulfills a special mission to promote Russian culture abroad, said Vladimir Putin. The University should continue to expand opportunities for citizens from friendly states to study the Russian language and history of our country. The President also called for expanding international cooperation with the states of Asia, Africa, Latin America, CIS, EAEU, SCO and BRICS.

A separate discussion arose about salaries. Vladimir Putin drew attention to the fact that Moscow University has always been famous for its strong faculty, and against this background, salaries and working conditions, including for young specialists, should correspond to the status of the country's leading university. "It is still, in my opinion, a little behind the average in Moscow today," the head of state suggested.

Next, Vladimir Putin asked Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin about the average salary in the capital. Having heard that in the city it is about 140-160 thousand rubles, the head of state asked with surprise whether it is so? However, Sobyanin again confirmed this figure. Turning to Viktor Sadovnichy, the president smilingly remarked that in this case the university had met the standards, because the average income at Moscow State University is 180 thousand rubles, but it is not worth weakening attention to this topic, the president said.

Nevertheless, another issue requires close scrutiny - the project of a new MSU campus, the costs of which account for a third of the entire federal program of university development, the president pointed out. Thus, 617 billion rubles have been allocated for 25 campuses. According to Vladimir Putin, the development of Moscow State University is one of the country's priorities.

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