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Taxi companies may reduce fines for lack of insurance

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State Duma deputies propose to reduce fines for the absence of a compulsory carrier's civil liability insurance policy (CCLI) for taxi fleets. The corresponding draft law was submitted to Parliament on December 22 and published in the State Duma's legislative support system.

According to the document, it is assumed that citizens will face a fine of Br1-5 thousand, individual entrepreneurs Br20-25 thousand, and legal entities - Br30-40 thousand for the absence of a policy of compulsory civil liability insurance. According to the current legislation (Article 13.31 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), individual entrepreneurs are now fined Br40-50 thousand for this violation, while for legal entities - from Br500 thousand to Br1 million.

The authors of the amendments note that according to the CAO RF, "any penalty measure should be enforceable, constitutionally justified, fair and proportionate to the offense." At the same time, the carrier's lack of an OSGOP contract does not affect the rights of the passenger, because, "in the absence of a compulsory insurance contract, the carrier is liable for the harm caused to the passenger on the same terms and conditions on which the insurance compensation should be paid at the conclusion of an OSGOP contract."

"The established sanctions were designed primarily for large air, rail and other types of passenger transportation. In the current realities, as well as after the entry into force of the law on MTPL for cabs, this norm is also applicable to drivers and carriers of passenger cabs (cab fleets), which were not initially taken into account by the legislator when designing such high administrative penalties for the absence of registration of a MTPL policy.... The practice of imposing such excessively high administrative fines will lead to an increase in the number of bankruptcy cases of persons carrying out activities in the cab industry and will entail disastrous consequences up to the liquidation of 70% of organizations, the turnover of which is from 500 thousand to 5.5 million rubles.", - stated in the explanatory note to the document.

Earlier, January 16, it became known that more than 40% of Russian taxi fleets use Chinese car models. The brands Chery, Geely, Haval and BYD are the most popular among taxi fleets

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