The Ministry of Labor proposed to include all periods of parental leave in the length of service
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- The Ministry of Labor proposed to include all periods of parental leave in the length of service
The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has prepared a draft law that proposes to include all periods of childcare leave in a woman's insurance record. In addition, it is proposed to introduce monthly payments at the level of Heroes of Labor for women with the title "Heroine Mother", said the head of the department Anton Kotyakov on January 22.
It is noted that the bill has been prepared on the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin and will be submitted for public discussion. As specified Kotyakov, in case of adoption of the specified norm will allow to increase the future pension of parents in large families.
"A bill has been prepared, which removes the restriction on accounting in the insurance record periods of child care up to 1.5 years. If before the maximum six years or care for four children in total could be counted, now all periods of childcare leave will be taken into account," - quotes the head of the agency press service of the Ministry of Labor.
According to him, the innovations will also affect those who have already retired. After the law comes into force, parents with many children will be able to apply to the Social Fund of the Russian Federation, where their pension will be recalculated.
At present, the insurance record includes, in addition to periods of work, the so-called "non-insurance periods", including care for a child under one and a half years of age. However, there is a limitation: child care for no more than six years in total can be counted in the length of service, which will allow to take into account the care of only four children.
Earlier, on January 13, the Russian government supported the project on the prohibition to dismiss a parent who is the sole breadwinner in a large family with children under 14 years old. It was specified that we are talking about families in which at least three minor children are growing up and only one of the parents is working. Currently, there is already a ban on dismissal of such breadwinners, but it applies only until the youngest child is three years old.