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Methodologists gave advice to schoolchildren on preparing for the USE exams

Pudlich: when preparing for the USE in mathematics, it is worth working on timing of solving tasks
Photo: Izvestia/Anna Selina
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By February 1, future school leavers need to choose the subjects they will take in the final exam. Methodists of Online School No. 1 told Izvestia on January 22 how to prepare for the USE.

The experts specified that this year changes have been made to the USE in the following subjects: Russian language, foreign languages, computer science, biology, chemistry, literature, physics and social studies. The main changes concern the clarification of criteria, the addition of new types of tasks and new topics that can be tested in the exam. The full list of innovations is presented on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. Schoolchildren were recommended to read it before preparing for the USE, especially if they plan to take the exam in computer science.

"Almost every year new topics of tasks are added to the USE in informatics in accordance with the trend of the time, the development of the IT-sphere, the requirements for new knowledge. It is necessary to keep track of this," noted the methodologist in mathematics of Online School No. 1 Maria Pudlich.

According to her, before you start preparing for the USE in absolutely any subject, you should find out how many points are required to enter the desired specialty. After that it is necessary to pass a trial test to understand the level of your knowledge and to analyze in which tasks mistakes were made. So the schoolboy will assess the current level of knowledge and start preparing with the most difficult tasks.

Speaking about social studies, experts specified that it is better to start preparing for the final test from the 10th grade and under the guidance of an experienced tutor who not only knows the subject, but is familiar with the structure of the USE and the specifics of its testing. But if the schoolboy found himself alone with the subject and with little time for preparation, it is worth taking the advice of experts.

"The test part of the "dare" on the compilations from the compilers of the USE. And when preparing for the written part, study the evaluation criteria and try to "get" in them when writing an answer," - said the methodologist for history and social studies "Online School № 1" Roman Sherenkov.

Such difficult sections as "jurisprudence" and "politics" should be given more time and not left for last.

When preparing for the biology exam, it is recommended to pay special attention to the second part of the tasks, where you need a detailed answer. Here it is important to show not only basic knowledge, but also the ability to analyze information, compare data, draw conclusions. You should read the examples of successful answers to understand what the authors want to see.

"Assignments on the methodology of an experiment are among the most difficult. A student needs to know terms, stages of scientific cognition, to be able to analyze the results of research. In the school course often almost do not pay much attention to this section, so study the laboratory workshops in biology on your own," advised the biology methodologist of Online School No. 1 Irina Muravyeva.

Experts pointed out the importance of studying the section "Evolutionary Biology". It is necessary to pay attention to illustrations and graphics: structures, organisms, processes. All this can be transformed into tasks, including those with a detailed answer.

"I always recommend my students to solve not only USE variants from collections, but also to consider situational tasks. Such textbooks are freely available. The tasks give an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships in biological processes," Muravyeva added.

Preparing for the math exam is easier than it seems. Anyone who knows math with a 4 or 5 will pass the exam in basic math and will pass the 60-point threshold for profile math, experts say. But if you need more points, you will have to make an effort.

"Hone the technique of quickly solving the test part. It is ideal to perform the solution in 20-25 minutes. It is the first test part that determines, in fact, the graduate's score for the exam. During preparation, do not use a calculator. Hone your verbal counting skills, calculate in columns," Pudlich said.

She advised to write down all the formulas on an A4 sheet, so that they would be divided into sections, so that it would be convenient to learn. It's also worth working on timings for solving assignments.

"For the first few months, prepare on the topics: "transformations of expressions, equations and everything related to them", "transformations of expressions, inequalities and everything related to them". Then move on to "naming" variations. This way you will realize which topics are harder," Pudlich added.

If a student aims for a high score, he or she should learn to solve non-standard problems: planimetry, stereometry, and problems with numbers. These are the ones for which more points are given. Here, in addition to knowledge of theorems and facts, you need imagination and logic.

In the case of computer science, things are a little different. Methodists explained that to begin with it is worth choosing a tactic of preparation for the exam: to go sequentially through the questions (from the first to the last) or to go by sections (first all the tasks on logic, then on programming).

"Evaluate your strengths and capabilities objectively. It is better to write an inefficient way of solving and get half of the possible number of points than to not solve at all" - expressed Pudlich's opinion.

In computer science it is important to perfectly know all standard algorithms: going through numbers, sorting them, checking divisibility, finding the remainder and so on. But you should not learn all programming languages, it is better to choose one and master it at a good level.

Earlier, on December 29, it was reported that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation set the minimum scores of the USE for the 2025/26 academic year. The minimum score for the exam in mathematics will be 39, and in Russian language - 42, in physics - 39, in foreign language - 30, in literature - 40, in biology - 39, in geography - 40, in chemistry - 39, in social studies - 45, in history - 35, in computer science - 44.

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