Holy water on Epiphany: what is the secret, what to do with it, from what helps

Already today, Orthodox Russians can go to church for a service and consecrate water. Such water can then be stored at home for a long time and used as needed. However, many people ask questions about why holy water can stand for so long and not spoil, whether it actually has healing properties, how it can be used and where to dispose of if necessary. All about holy water and its properties - in the material "Izvestia".
Holy water: how it differs from ordinary water, what is the secret
By its origin and composition, holy water is no different from ordinary water, which can be taken from a well, bottle, reservoir or other places. The water receives its special gracious properties to sanctify and heal only after a special prayer service called water consecration.
As Pavel Ostrovsky, the rector of St. George Church in Nakhabino, explains, everything was created from water. In the Bible, water is present absolutely everywhere: God created from water, so it is a symbol of life.
Is there a scientific explanation for holy water
The miraculous properties of holy water have been known for a long time, and every Christian believes in them. Even non-religious people happen to go to church for holy water. Nevertheless, the question of changing the properties of water worries and many scientists, who to confirm or refute the miracles of holy water conducted various studies. To find in holy water any scientific explanation of its healing properties was not possible (according to one version, people are helped by their strong faith, not the water itself).
Studies have shown that water changes its properties not only during the day, but also 27 days (the average period of the Sun's revolution around the axis). On Epiphany Day, scientists found the pH (hydrogen index) of water to be 22% higher. They also noticed increased levels of radical ions, which peaked on the evening of January 18.
According to one study, under the influence of the Sun, tidal friction begins in the Earth's shells, which emits electromagnetic radiation. This is picked up by water in rivers, oceans, lakes and living organisms. As a result, all living things can be activated and feel more aggressive or, on the contrary, be calmer.
What to store holy water in
Holy water can be bought in church shops already in a bottle or bring your own container. The main rule is the prohibition of its long-term storage in plastic bottles. Holy water should be kept in glass containers.
Sanctified water should not be put in the refrigerator to other products, it is also not recommended to put it on the window in direct sunlight. It is better to place it near icons and drink a little bit on an empty stomach.
Why holy water does not spoil
There is an opinion that holy water collected on Epiphany can stand for months at home and not spoil, but this is not always true. Even priests emphasize that with too long or improper storage, holy water can spoil, and there is no mysticism or superstition in this. Then it is better to use it, for example, watering flowers or a tree.
At the same time, experts emphasize that holy water is needed to drink it in the morning or to sprinkle the house, and not just to store it.
What is the usefulness of holy water
Water is essential for the existence of everything on the planet, including humans. However, it also has healing properties, which is repeatedly mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Many people tell about miracles of healing even today.
Holy water has the property of cleansing believers from spiritual defilements, it helps to strengthen faith and prepares them to seek salvation in God.
It is important to remember that holy water is not a cure for any ailment. Its useful properties are due to God's grace, so refuse modern medicines in favor of only holy water is not possible.
Holy water: what to do with it, how to use it
Options for using holy water are many, among them can be distinguished:
- sprinkling the house in order to protect it from evil;
- use in the morning to improve health;
- dilution of ordinary water to transfer to it the beneficial properties of holy water;
- washing (it is necessary to take a little on the palm of the hand and rub the face, but not to use in large quantities).
There is also a prayer that is customary to recite for the reception of holy water: "O Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and infirmities according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen."
Is it possible to drink holy water
Believers traditionally drink a little holy water in the morning when they read a prayer. However, it is important to remember a few points:
- it is possible and necessary to drink holy water, but one should not forget that it is a holy thing;
- Drinking holy water with medication can be done, but it is worth remembering what it is for. Taking pills is an everyday activity, while taking holy water requires distracting oneself from routine, praying, and feeling the presence of the Lord in one's life;
- holy water does not have to be taken only on an empty stomach;
- you should not make tea or coffee with it, because holy water is not a food additive;
- it is not necessary to drink it from a bottle. It is important to approach holy water reverently.
Does holy water help from the evil eye
Holy water can strengthen a person on the way to God, but its beneficial properties are manifested only if a person accepts this gift with a pure heart and the desire to be closer to God.
At the same time, belief in the evil eye, casting spells, and spoils is a superstition that has nothing to do with the life of a Christian.
Priests emphasize that in order to protect yourself from everything bad, it is worth visiting the temple for confession and communion and pray.
How to sanctify the apartment with holy water
Holy water is used to sanctify a house or apartment during a trebah (a liturgical rite performed at the request of the faithful). This is done by the priest according to a special rite of blessing the dwelling. During the treba, he says prayers to bless all the tenants, sprinkles the house with holy water, and on the walls with consecrated oil draws the image of the cross.
Independently sanctify the apartment or house will not be possible. Nevertheless, you can still sprinkle holy water on your home. There is such a tradition in the holiday of Epiphany, when believers return from church with holy water.
How to take holy water for health and disease
There are many stories about how terminally ill people recovered immediately or after some time after using holy water.
It is not forbidden to drink medicines with holy water, but you should not expect to enhance the medicinal properties of the pills or the water itself.
It can also be applied to sore places. Here it is important to pay attention to the fact that it is not necessary to make compresses with it, and the liquid itself should be applied crosswise. In this case, along with the application of water on the body should read a prayer, because it is the Lord who can grant a person a cure.
Holy water is not a panacea, but a shrine, priests emphasize, urging not to lose a realistic view of things.
Is it true that all water on Epiphany is holy?
Many disagree about whether all water becomes holy on Epiphany night, even ordinary tap water. Priests emphasize that only the water over which the rite of consecration was held on Christmas Eve, January 18, and on the day of the feast, January 19, acquires gracious properties.
Many people think that the water consecrated on January 18 is different from the water consecrated on January 19. In fact, there is no difference between them. It is also important not to forget that water is consecrated in the church not only on Epiphany, but regularly throughout the year. The only difference will be the name - the consecration will not be great, but small.
Is it possible to draw water on Epiphany from under the tap?
Water from under the tap on Epiphany will not receive beneficial properties, since the necessary prayers are not read over it. However, if a person cannot get to the church for the great consecration of water, but needs it, it is possible to receive holy water at any other time. You can even take a small bottle, and then pour it into ordinary water: from the contact sanctified will become and ordinary water.
Is it possible to sanctify water on Epiphany at home
If a person due to illness can not visit the temple, you can sanctify water at home. However, pray for the sanctification of water must necessarily baptized person who regularly attends church services, confesses and receives communion.
Holy water turned green and spoiled: what to do
It is believed that holy water can stand at home for a month, a year and even more. Nevertheless, it also has the property of falling into disrepair. People may notice that the water has a greenish color and smell. In such cases, it is strictly forbidden to drink water. On the contrary, it is necessary to pour it out, but it should be done correctly.
Traditionally, holy water, if it has spoiled, is not poured into a sink or on the ground, and try to pour it into a special place where it is not pirated (a special place where Christian relics, including holy water, are disposed of). In the church it can be a dry well. If it is not possible to go to church, the water can be poured in a forest or park under a tree, in a flower pot at home, or in another place that will not be trampled on.
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