Fortune-telling for Epiphany-2025: how to know your destiny on the Epiphany night
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- Fortune-telling for Epiphany-2025: how to know your destiny on the Epiphany night

On January 19, Orthodox believers celebrate a great church holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord. Since ancient times, the celebration has its own traditions, which are still very popular among the people. Along with a dip in the ice-hole, they include baptismal divination, with the help of which you can find out your fate and look into the future. "Izvestia" collected the most popular divinations on holy night.
How to fortune-telling on Epiphany on the night of January 19
Epiphany divinations were widespread in Russia. Fortune-telling was practiced not only on the holiday itself, but also on the eve, as well as during Christmas Eve - the period between Christmas and Epiphany. However, it was believed that the predictions made on the night of January 19, the most accurate.
Most often fortune-telling was about a successful harvest, about the fate of family members, about marriage or marriage. They used a variety of means - mirrors, candles, wax, water, grains, combs and other objects that were at hand.
There were certain rules, following which one could count on the predictions coming true. For example, one should not guess in daylight. There should be no pets, ticking clocks, mobile devices and extraneous sources of noise, such as working TV or radio.
When guessing on a beloved or soulmate, it is necessary to concentrate on his image, trying to clearly imagine the envisioned person. When you need to find out the future, you should mentally or aloud to say the question, clearly pronouncing all the words.
And, of course, in the first place you should prepare all the items necessary for divination, so that then nothing distracted from this magical action. It is also necessary to remove all jewelry and dress in loose clothes that do not constrain movements.
It is important to remember that the church has always censured divination, considering it an echo of pagan traditions. Therefore, it is recommended to remove icons and other Christian paraphernalia, including crosses and church candles.
Fortune-telling for the future on Epiphany - 2025
To find out what events are expected in the future, traditionally use coffee grounds. Freshly ground coffee should be brewed in a turbo, then pour into a cup and drink the drink almost to the end. The mug with the remains of coffee is carefully turned over on a saucer with the left hand and left for a few minutes. After that you can proceed to the interpretation of images.
If from the gush formed a drawing in the form of a church or a tower, it is a good sign that promises stability and prosperity. The house speaks of strengthening family ties, but if its outlines are blurred, then between the spouses are possible conflicts and disagreements. Mountain is a sure sign of success and career growth. Flowers promise love or a new romantic connection, and the cross - bad news.
The accuracy of the prediction depends largely on the density and location of the pattern. So, light openwork outlines foreshadow joyful events, and dark - trouble. There is a value and additional patterns. For their interpretation, it is better to use special interpretation books.
Instead of coffee grounds, you can use wax. To do this, the candle should be melted on the fire and slowly poured into a container with cold water. The frozen figure is taken out and look at the shadow that it forms in the light of the candle. If you get a ring, then soon be married. The outline of a snake warns of danger, stripes speak of a possible move or a long road, and a figure consisting of many drops, portends good luck in financial matters.
In addition, since ancient times it was believed that the night of Epiphany dreams are dreamed, so before going to bed you can make a dream, and in the morning remember what was dreamed, and try to interpret your dream with the help of a dreambook.
Fortune-telling at Epiphany - 2025
One of the most common and ancient fortune-telling - fortune-telling on the soulmate. To find out the name, you need to go out on the street after midnight and ask the name of the first person you meet. The groom will be called the same way. You can also write all sorts of names on a piece of paper and spend over them with a wedding ring, threaded through a string or your own hair, and then see what name the ring will stop near.
With the help of a wedding ring can also find out how long a girl will marry. To do this, the ring is lowered to the bottom of the glass and smoothly lifted. It will start to rock and beat against the walls of the vessel. By the number of blows determine how many years will be married.
What will be the future spouse, will help to determine the cards. From the deck you need to pull out all the kings and put under the pillow, saying the incantation: "Who is my soulmate, who is my cassock, that I dream. In the morning, without looking, one of the cards is pulled out. If there is a king of hearts - the groom will be young and wealthy, spades - grumpy and jealous, cross - widower or military, and the king of diamonds means a man about whom the girl has long thought.
There are divinations that can be conducted together with friends, for example, to find out who will be the first to marry. For the rite you will need a bowl of water, a wax candle and an eggshell. In the shell should be put burning candles and lowered into the water. Whose candle will extinguish first, the first and will play the wedding. Drowned candle portends an unsuccessful marriage.
Fortune-telling for wish fulfillment on Epiphany - 2025
On the night of Epiphany you can not only look into the future, but also ask the universe to fulfill your most cherished wishes.
The easiest way to do this is with nuts, seeds, wheat grains, peas or beans. First you should make a wish, then scoop up a handful of seeds or grains, pour them out on the floor and count them. An even number means that the intended will be realized, and odd, alas, not.
Another divination is done before going to bed. It is necessary to take several pieces of paper and write on them desires, leaving one sheet clean. On the night before the Epiphany notes are put under the pillow, and in the morning at random pull out one of them. What wish fell out, such a wish will come true. A blank sheet means that the requests are not yet available for fulfillment.
Also at midnight you can take a book, ask a question, mentally name the page and the number of the line from the top or bottom. The first sentence and will be the answer.
Earlier "Izvestia" told about the most famous Christmas fortune-telling.
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