A Kislovodsk resident recovered her apartment stolen by fraudsters through the courts
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- A Kislovodsk resident recovered her apartment stolen by fraudsters through the courts
A resident of Kislovodsk has sought through the court to cancel the sale and purchase of her apartment, which she was forced to sell by fraudsters, according to the decision of the court of appeal (Izvestiya has it). The proceedings lasted more than a year, the court of first instance refused to satisfy the claim of the victim, but his decision was challenged.
In 2023, as follows from the case materials, Natalia Shevchenko found a site where there was an advertisement for investment earnings. There the criminals left a phishing link to pass registration. After that, the woman twice "replenished the balance of the profile" for a total amount of about 600 thousand rubles.
After that, she was promised "some income from the sale of securities". For this purpose, the woman was forced to take three loans for more than a million rubles, and was also convinced that the funds from the sale of the apartment could also be invested.
In January 2024, the sale of Natalia Shevchenko's apartment took place, but after the woman appealed to the Kislovodsk City Court, claiming that she had not intended to sell the property and was forced to do so fraudulently. In the end, only on appeal Natalia Shevchenko managed to prove that at the time of signing the contract she was suffering from mental problems.
Read more in an exclusive Izvestia article:
Under the roof of her home: a Russian woman returned the apartment stolen by fraudsters