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About half of Russians surveyed exceeded their budget for New Year celebrations

Study: 48% of Russians exceeded their budget for New Year celebrations
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko
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Gifts, food and décor became the main items of expenditure for most Russians on New Year's Eve. At the same time, many (48%) could not avoid budget overspending, so the holidays have also become a source of motivation for additional income, according to the results of a study of the marketplace "", which were read by "Izvestia" on January 10.

Experts found out that a third of Russians (31%) spent from Br70 thousand to Br100 thousand on New Year holidays. The next most popular were expenses in the range of Br20-50 thousand (23%) and Br100-150 thousand (16%). Only 8% of respondents spent from Br150 thousand to Br200 thousand, from Br200 thousand to Br500 thousand - 4%, and from Br500 thousand to Br1 million and more - 2% of respondents.

The majority of respondents (70%) noted that gifts for loved ones are the main part of expenses. Next in importance were grocery shopping, deliveries and visits to restaurants (58%). Significant sums were spent by 35% of Russians on home decor - from buying a Christmas tree to various toys and garlands. Many also invested money on entertainment, such as visiting a skating rink and a New Year's fair (24%). Other expenses include services of animators, beauty and other specialists (19%), hobbies and sports (13%), traveling (9%) and unplanned expenses (16%).

According to the survey results, 45% of Russians managed to meet the pre-planned expenses. However, 33% of respondents slightly exceeded them, and 15% admitted that spending on New Year's Eve went significantly beyond the budget. Some respondents did not plan expenses for the holidays (6%).

In addition, experts learned that 28% of Russians are strongly motivated by the holidays to increase income, and 47% of respondents a little. But for 20% of respondents, the holidays had no effect on the desire to earn more.

Earlier, on January 8, Olga Ulankina, an expert physician at the Gemotest laboratory, told Izvestia that in order to help the brain to adjust to productive work after the New Year holidays, it is important to prepare psychologically. You can make a plan of tasks for the next week or month, write out everything that requires attention in the first days at work, outline goals for the year or quarter. This practice helps to reduce anxiety.

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