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Vilfand warned of icy conditions in Moscow in the coming days

Photo: RIA Novosti/Ilya Pitalev
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Over the next four days, air temperatures in the capital region will remain 6-7 degrees above normal, and ice may form on the streets. This was warned by the scientific head of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand in a conversation with TASS on Tuesday, January 7.

"Up to and including Saturday, the temperature will be 6-7 degrees above normal. The danger lies in strong icy conditions. Because at a temperature of +1, even +2 degrees and wind, and the wind is predicted up to 11 m / s, on the blown areas of the underlying surface will be formed conditions for icing," he explained.

Meteorologist specified that on Wednesday in Moscow is predicted to be plus temperature, it may rain. On Thursday, precipitation, most likely, will not be, but the temperature will rise to +2 degrees in the daytime and fall to 0 at night.

"And with temperatures around the zero mark, there will be thawing or freezing. Strong icing, you need to be extremely careful," - emphasized Vilfand.

On Friday, according to the meteorologist, the night temperature will fall to -2 degrees, and in the daylight hours will rise to +3. On Saturday, weather conditions will remain the same.

On the eve of the scientific head of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand warned that in Moscow and the Moscow region on January 7 are expected icy rain and ice.

Before that, on January 4, it was reported that a powerful Arctic intrusion is expected in Central Russia in mid-January. In the middle and southern latitudes of the European part of Russia, the temperature anomaly may exceed -2 degrees. In addition, in the north of the Far East, January is expected to be colder, a negative temperature anomaly of -1... -3 degrees. However, it was specified that February will start with warm weather.

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