Double under the press: should we give up coffee because of the high price?
The most fashionable product of recent times - coffee - is rapidly becoming more expensive all over the world. The main reasons include crop failure in some regions, problems with transportation accessibility, and demand exceeding supply. Is it possible to get rid of the habit of drinking coffee and whether it is necessary to do so, given the benefits of the product - in the material "Izvestia".
Natural energizer
Bean coffee is a drink that contains oils, vitamins and trace elements useful for the body, says Marina Moiseyak, professor of the Department of Fermentation and Wine-making Technologies at ROSBIOTECH University. The composition of this natural product includes easily digestible natural nutrients.
- There is no need to add sugar to coffee because it already contains natural sugar," says Marina Moiseyak. - This is fructose, sucrose and glucose in small quantities. Good, high-quality coffee will have a sweetish tinge of flavor.
Good news for those who fear that after a cup of their favorite beverage, their blood pressure will skyrocket. According to the professor, coffee is not a remedy for arterial hypotension and does not cause any harm to the body, except in cases of individual reaction to the product.
- It is good to start the morning with a cup of coffee, as it is a useful natural energizer. It gives energy due to the fact that the heart starts beating more often. Coffee invigorates a person within 30 minutes after drinking it because of the rapid flow of caffeine into the bloodstream," continues Marina Moiseyak.
To prolong the invigorating effect, the professor recommends drinking a cup of clean water after coffee.
- You can afford two cups of delicious good coffee a day. But after 16 hours it is better not to drink coffee, so as not to invigorate yourself unnecessarily, because the body begins to prepare for sleep, - comments the professor.
Arabica or Robusta
High-level coffee drinkers are divided into lovers of arabica and those who choose robusta. Arabica is a mild coffee with a rich flavor that has a fruity note. Since this coffee has a low caffeine content, its supporters believe that this product is healthier than the bitter-tasting Robusta, which has almost twice as much caffeine as its competitor.
- Indeed, Russians consider arabica to be a healthier drink, but the adherence to this product is explained by mentality," explains Marina Moiseyak. - In our country, they do not like pungent tastes and odors.
However, according to the professor, coffee is usually sold in a blend. Arabica attracts a soft and sweetish taste, and Robusta gives the product density and aroma.
Addiction or habit
In the psychiatric and addiction clinic of Dr. Isaev "Izvestia" explained that in the international classification of diseases ICD-11, which is adopted in many countries, caffeine addiction is identified as a syndrome with an assigned code.
- It also includes sleep disorders caused by caffeine use. However, no one has yet managed to prove serious negative consequences of coffee," says Ruslan Isaev, head of the clinic, psychiatrist, narcologist, president of the Independent Narcological Guild. - Coffee overdose is practically impossible, unless we talk about extreme cases. Caffeine is not a medical drug, and dependence on it cannot be equated with drug addiction.
The psychiatrist emphasizes that, unlike drugs, coffee does not cause so-called social destruction. Dependence on it is psychological rather than physical.
- The mechanism of action of caffeine is associated with adenosine - a substance that accumulates in the body during the day and causes a feeling of fatigue. Adenosine binds to adenosine receptors, which signals the body to sleep. Caffeine temporarily blocks these receptors, preventing adenosine from performing its function," comments Ruslan Isaev.
According to the psychiatrist, the effect of caffeine lasts about four hours. When its effect ends, adenosine is activated again, causing fatigue. If a person drinks a new portion of coffee, the cycle repeats.
Over time, the body adapts: more adenosine receptors appear, and the person needs more coffee to achieve the same effect.
- However, this addiction does not require medical intervention. Unlike drugs, in the situation with coffee it is enough to gradually reduce the dose. For example, instead of six cups a day drink five, then four and so on. After 5-7 days, the body readjusts and the symptoms (irritability, decreased concentration) go away," says Ruslan Isaev.
The expert reminds that each person has an individual amount of adenosine receptors. One cup of coffee is enough for some people, while others need three or four. But in any case, you should not exceed the recommended norm: from the psychiatrist's point of view, it is three or four cups a day. The main thing is to control consumption and not to turn coffee into a habit that is difficult to leave.
Contrary to popular belief, do not expect that coffee in all cases will help to resist sleep. A psychiatrist cites an interesting fact: a portion of accidents on interstate highways are caused by caffeine.
- People mistakenly believe that a cup of coffee will provide them with vigor for a few hours. However, the effect may be too weak because not everyone has enough receptors for caffeine to work properly. 15-20 minutes after drinking coffee, a person feels drowsy again," the expert cautions.
Instead of coffee, the psychiatrist advises using tea, which has no less caffeine, but the effect is milder. As an alternative to coffee, Marina Moiseyak recommends leaf green tea or blends based on natural plant energizers. And if a person is accustomed to using this drink in the morning to cheer up, then you can go the other way - do not look for a substitute, but make a charge.
The benefits of chicory
Chicory and barley coffee are popular substitutes for natural coffee, explained "Izvestia" gastroenterologist-dietologist Elvira Belyova. These drinks can be a good option for those who have decided to give up caffeine for one reason or another, including economic aspects related to rising prices.
- Chicory is a plant whose roots are used to make a drink that resembles coffee in flavor. But chicory does not contain caffeine," Belyova says. - The benefits of chicory are that it has a positive effect on the digestive system due to its high content of inulin, a soluble fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.
Despite its benefits, chicory can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. And its ability to affect blood sugar levels should be considered by people suffering from diabetes. They should consult a doctor before consuming the drink.
- Barley coffee is a drink made from specially roasted and ground barley beans. In the USSR, it was popular as a budget and affordable alternative to natural coffee, - says Elvira Belyova.
The absence of caffeine makes barley coffee suitable for people who avoid stimulating substances, emphasizes the expert. Barley contains a number of useful substances, including B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals. A drink made from it can have a mild sedative effect.
- People with gluten intolerance should be careful when drinking such coffee, because barley contains gluten, - warns gastroenterologist-dietitologist. In other cases, barley coffee is considered safe for consumption by most people.