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On Thursday, December 19, the program "Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin" will be held. It will combine a direct line with the president and a big press conference. "Izvestia" tells when and where to watch the broadcast of this event, how long it will last and how to send a question.

Direct line with Putin - 2024: where and when to watch

The direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin will traditionally begin at 12:00 Moscow time on Thursday, December 19. The broadcast is expected on federal channels ("First" and "Russia 1"), as well as on the official pages of "Results of the Year with Vladimir Putin" in the social networks "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki". In addition, the event will be covered by some radio stations: Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Russia.

Телевизор и пульт
Photo: Izvestia/Alexander Kazakov

You can watch the program live on Izvestia's website.

Direct line with Putin - 2024: how long it lasts, how it will be held

In terms of duration, "The results of the year with Vladimir Putin" usually takes about four hours, but the exact time varies from year to year. The President has time to answer more than 70 questions.
Thus, the longest press conference of the President with journalists took place in 2008: it lasted 4 hours and 40 minutes. And one of the longest direct lines with citizens took place 10 years later, in 2018: 4 hours and 20 minutes. During this time, Vladimir Putin had time to answer 79 questions.

Президент РФ Владимир Путин проводит совместную «прямую линию» с гражданами и большую пресс-конференцию с журналистами в Гостином Дворе, 14 декабря 2023

Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a joint "direct line" with citizens and a large press conference with journalists at Gostiny Dvor, December 14, 2023.

Photo: RIA Novosti/POOL/Alexander Kazakov

In 2024, as a year earlier, the direct line and press conference will be combined into one event. In 2024, for the first time artificial intelligence was used to process citizens' questions. Invitations to the event were extended to employees of regional and federal media. Foreign journalists accredited in Russia will also be able to talk to the Russian leader.

In 2023, the "Results of the Year" lasted 4 hours and 3 minutes, the president answered 67 questions. The event in a combined format was held in Moscow, in the Gostiny Dvor. In total, the President received more than 2 million appeals. Citizens were concerned about the special military operation, the situation in new regions of Russia, the growth of wages and pensions, the development of artificial intelligence and much more.

Direct line with Putin - 2024: how to ask a question

The reception of questions for the direct line began on December 8 and has already exceeded 1 million. At the same time, questions will be accepted until the end of the direct line on December 19. After the direct line, the President gives instructions to responsible persons, who subsequently report on the implementation of the orders.

Прямая линия
Photo: IZVESTIYA/Andrei Ershtrem

You can ask questions in several ways:

1. you can leave questions on the website (moskva-putinu.rf), which was created specifically to receive citizens' appeals. To do this, you need to register with your phone number or log in via the social networks "VKontakte" or "Odnoklassniki". Questions are accepted both in writing and in video format.

2. A free mobile application "Moscow-Putin" has also been launched to address the direct line. The program is available in RuStore, AppGallery and Google Play stores. In addition, the apk installation file is available on the official website of the event. In addition, the app gives you the opportunity to watch the broadcast directly from your device.

3. The easiest way to ask the president a question is to call 8-800-200-40-40 at any time before the live line, the call is free. Citizens can also send their questions by SMS to 0-40-40-40. The service is free of charge for subscribers of Russian operators, but the number of characters is limited.

4. Finally, you can ask a question in the official communities of the direct line in the social networks "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki". In the first case, you need to click on the "Write a message" button under the cover of the group. In the second case, select the "Ask a question to the President of the Russian Federation" or "Go" button. Communities also have the opportunity to upload a video with a question.

The latest news about the direct line of the Russian President on December 19 - in the story "Izvestia".

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