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South Korea's ruling party leader vows to prevent impeachment of president

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Han Dong-hoon, leader of the ruling Civic Force Party, said on Dec. 5 that he will not allow the impeachment motion against South Korean President Yun Seok-yol to be approved.

"As the party chairman, I am going to make efforts to ensure that the impeachment is not approved to prevent citizens and our supporters from being harmed by unprepared chaos," Yonhap News Agency reported him as saying.

Han Dong-hoon emphasized that he does not support the president's decision to impose martial law in the country and considers it unconstitutional, but at the same time he does not agree with the initiative to impeach him. At the same time, he called on President Yun Seok-yeol to resign from the Civil Force Party.

"Those responsible for disrupting public order and causing harm through unconstitutional martial law, including the president, should be held strictly accountable," Dong-hoon said.

Korean President Yun Seok-yol declared martial law in the country on Dec. 3. The reason for such a step he called the threat of power paralysis arising from attempts to conduct impeachment proceedings. Commander of the emergency regime, Chief of Staff of the Ground Forces Park Ahn-soo noted that until martial law is lifted in the republic, the activities of parliament, political parties and associations are prohibited. Military equipment was brought to the streets of Seoul, the country's capital.

Later that day, the South Korean government voted in favor of lifting martial law in the country. After that, Yun Seok-yol canceled the emergency gathering of military personnel and sent those who arrived for the draft back.

The opposition Republic Party in turn demanded the president's resignation and said it intended to charge Yun Seok-yeol with treason. At the same time, all heads and senior secretaries of the presidential administration of South Korea resigned. In addition, the labor unions of the republic announced a general strike.

In addition, on December 4, the opposition parties said that they would launch a procedure of impeachment of the President. It is specified that the vote may take place in Parliament on December 6-7. On the same day, South Korean Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun submitted his resignation.

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