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The Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious is honored in various countries. The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) names him the patron saint of the capital of Russia. The life of St. George the Victorious is an example of courage and spiritual fortitude. The memory of the saint is honored several times a year - May 6, November 16 and December 9. Memorial Day in the last month of the year is dedicated to the consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr in Kiev. What to pray to George the Victorious and who celebrates the namesakes on this day - in the material "Izvestia".

A brief biography and miracles of St. George the Victorious

According to legends, St. George the Victorious was born in the III century in the territory of modern Turkey - in Cappadocia. According to another version, his birthplace was the capital of present-day Lebanon, Beirut. His parents were pious Christians and brought up the child in their faith. When the boy's father died, he and his mother moved to Palestine, where George later entered the military service of Emperor Diocletian. He eventually became the head of a regiment.

In 303, the emperor began the persecution of Christians known as the Great Persecution - it lasted for a decade. By rough estimates, between 3,000 and 3,500 people were killed. Diocletian also issued a law that abolished the civil rights of people who professed Christianity, and required compliance with traditional Roman religious practices.

George could not give up Christianity, so he left the service of the emperor, gave away all his property and freed the slaves. Then he stood before the emperor and confessed his faith. He was arrested and subjected to horrible tortures to make him renounce his faith: he was spun on a wheel with knives and swords, his bones were broken, and he was forced to run in red-hot metal boots.

However, the prisoner's wounds were miraculously healed. For many people at that time, this was a reason to believe in Jesus Christ. Diocletian demanded that George raise the dead, promising to release him if the attempt was successful. He succeeded in raising the man, but Diocletian did not keep his word and imprisoned the martyr.

According to legends, on the last night before his death, Jesus Christ appeared to George, laid a crown on his head and said: "Do not be afraid, but be bold and you will be able to reign with Me." After eight days of torture George was beheaded, and the martyrdom of the righteous man contributed to fixing for him the nickname of the Victorious.

Christians of the Eastern rite celebrate several dates connected with George - the day of the saint's martyrdom on May 6, the consecration in the IV century of the church of St. George in Lydda on November 16 and the consecration of the church of the Great Martyr George in Kiev in 1051 on December 9.

St. George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints in Christianity, whose life and exploits are surrounded by numerous miracles symbolizing the victory of good over evil. Miracles associated with him happened both during his earthly life and after his martyrdom.

The most famous miracle is associated with the victory of the saint over the serpent. According to legend, in Beirut a giant serpent terrorized the inhabitants. They were forced to sacrifice to him to save their own lives. One day, the daughter of the local king was chosen as a sacrifice. St. George, arriving in the city, fought the serpent and struck it with his spear. After this event, the inhabitants of the city adopted Christianity. This plot became a symbol of the fight against evil and is often depicted in iconography.

St. George is usually depicted on the icon as a horseman striking a serpent with a spear. This image has become not only a religious symbol, but also a cultural symbol that has spread far beyond Christian countries.

While imprisoned, George healed the sick, raised the dead, and inspired others to embrace Christianity. According to legend, he healed an ox, which was essential to a peasant's subsistence, and revived a dried-up tree.

There are many posthumous miracles attributed to St. George. St. George was often seen as a rider on a white horse who helps warriors defending their land. One of the famous cases is the help of the Russian army in the battle of Kulikovo Field in 1380, where St. George became a symbol of victory.

Many testimonies tell about the healing that happens to those who have visited the relics and icons of the saint. Pilgrims who addressed prayers to St. George reported miraculous help in difficult life circumstances.


Woman at the ark with the relics of the Great Martyr George the Victorious

Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Biyatov

Christian tradition also describes a case in which St. George miraculously gave water to a dried-up spring, saving people from thirst.

A multitude of believers testify to the saint's help in our days. It is often associated with deliverance from danger, solving difficult life situations, healing from illnesses and strengthening faith. The miracles of St. George the Victorious continue to inspire millions of people. They teach steadfastness in faith, love for neighbors and fight evil in all its manifestations. Prayers to the saint are a powerful support for those who turn to him sincerely.

What to pray to St. George the Victorious today: strong prayers

St. George the Victorious is one of the most revered saints in Christianity, known for his unwavering faith and the feat of martyrdom. People turn to him with prayers in difficult life situations, asking for protection, help and spiritual support.

St. George is considered the patron saint of warriors, so he is prayed to for protection from enemies, evil and injustice. The image of St. George defeating the serpent symbolizes the struggle against evil and sin. Believers ask him to help overcome inner weaknesses and difficult situations.

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

Prayers to St. George the Victorious are often said to protect the house from troubles, diseases and conflicts. Believers appeal to the saint with requests to strengthen health and get rid of diseases. St. George helps believers who appeal to him with requests for success in work, business and other endeavors.

Examples of strong prayers to St. George the Victorious:

"Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious, pray to God for us sinners and protect us from all evil. Amen."

"O glorious and marvelous Passion-bearer of Christ, Great Martyr George! Hear us, unworthy, who pray to you, and by your intercession beseech the Lord to deliver us from enemies visible and invisible. Amen."

"O holy George the Victorious! Help me, servant of God (name), in my need. Strengthen my spirit, that I may overcome obstacles in my path. Amen."

"Holy, glorious and omnipotent Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and before your holy icon, we pray to you, knowing the desires of our walker, pray with us and for us, entreated by God from His good care, that He may mercifully hear us who ask His goodness, and not forsake all our needful endeavors for salvation and life, and grant our country victory over the opposing forces; And again, we pray to you, O holy Victorious One: Strengthen with the grace given to thee the Orthodox army in battle, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, that they may be ashamed and ashamed, and that their defiance may be crushed, and that they may know that we have divine help, and that to all who are in distress and circumstance show their mighty intercession. Beg the Lord God, Creator of all creatures, to deliver us from eternal torment, that we may glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev

It is important to pray with faith and sincerity, which should come from a pure heart. Strongly pray before the image of St. George both at home and in the temple. Many Orthodox make pilgrimages to churches dedicated to this saint to strengthen their pleas.

George: meaning of the name, character traits

The name George comes from the ancient Greek language: it is formed from the word Γεώργιος (Georgios), which translates as "farmer" or "working with the earth". The basis of the name is the word γῆ (ge) - earth and ἔργον (ergon) - labor, work.

The name George was popular in Christian tradition precisely because of St. George the Victorious - one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy and Catholicism. St. George became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, which greatly enhanced the popularity of the name. The victorious saint became the key patron saint of the name.

The name was widely spread in Europe, especially in Byzantium, the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In Russia, it became popular after the baptism of Russia. The name George is found in various forms: Yuri, Egor, George, Jorge, Jorge, Georges.


A boy looks at a three-dimensional icon of St. George the Victorious

Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeniya Novozhenina

The bearers of this name are often noble, strong and conform to the ideals of their patron. The owners of the name strive for justice, show a willingness to protect others and help the weak. This name is associated with courage and resilience in the face of difficulties.

The holder of the name George is usually very serious about his duties and promises. These are sincere, responsive people, ready to compromise. Despite outward firmness, they can deeply experience difficulties and show emotional depth. Faith in the best and a positive outlook on life help Georgios cope with any difficulties.

Georgios and Yuri often have an analytical mind and a desire for self-development. They are prone to leadership. Georgias like order in both business and personal life. They easily find a common language with different people, are able to create a warm atmosphere and attract the attention of others.

In childhood, the owners of this name are often calm, plodding, but also curious and open to new things. Parents are important to support their desire for knowledge and develop self-confidence. In adolescence, Georgios become hardworking and purposeful. They strive for high results in studies and sports. Young Georgy is attracted to professions related to leadership and creativity.


Statue of St. George piercing the serpent with a spear on the small dome of the Senate Palace in the Kremlin

Photo: TASS/Stanislav Krasilnikov

As an adult, George becomes a reliable friend, a caring spouse and a responsible worker. Thanks to his innate confidence and strength of character, he can achieve success in career and personal life. George is a devoted family man who cares about his loved ones and strives to provide them with comfort.

The name George combines strength, wisdom and kindness. Its bearers have a high moral spirit, strive for harmony in life and are always ready to help others. Thanks to its rich history and powerful energy, this name continues to be popular and honored.

Name day of George (Yuri, Egor): congratulations in prose and verse, cards and pictures

Dear Yuri, on your birthday I want to wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and mental warmth. May your heavenly patron protect you from all troubles and guide you on the path of happiness, joy and prosperity. Happy Name Day!


Yuri, on your holy day - name day,

accept light words from us.

Let happiness flow with a pure avalanche.

And life will be rich and full!


Dear Egor, congratulations on your name day! May your guardian angel always goes with you through life, protecting you from difficulties and filling your days with joy. I wish you inspiration, good luck and many bright moments!


Egor, happy birthday! Let every day be a step to new heights for you. I wish that you always find the strength to win, surround yourself with kind people and never lose faith in the best.


Dear George, happy birthday to you! May St. George the Victorious keep you and inspire you to great deeds. I wish you good health, success and harmony in all aspects of life!


St. George, congratulations on this bright day! You are a strong, resolute and wise man. May your heavenly patron help you in any endeavor, and may your life bring you happy moments and warmth of heart.


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