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What is the interest of the first museum-factory of cheese culture in Russia?
Why you should visit the Hydropower Museum
Where you can have a good rest on the bank of the Volga River
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Uglich is one of the oldest Russian cities, founded in the 10th century, and as of 2018 it is also part of the Golden Ring of Russia. Tourists usually come here for the historical architectural monuments of the past, such as the local Kremlin, the Church of Demetrius on Blood and the Transfiguration Cathedral. But in our century in this ancient district place appeared and brand new interesting centers of attraction. "Izvestia" laid out the route of a fascinating long weekend, which should start with the unique modern Uglich museums, and then smoothly move on vacation in the resort area on the coast of the Rybinsk Reservoir.

What is the interest of the first museum-factory of cheese culture in Russia?

In recent years in Russia, interest in industrial and gastronomic tourism has been rapidly growing. And this trend was very successfully picked up in Uglich, where in spring of this year on the territory of the modernized cheese-making and dairy plant (USMZ), opened a modern interactive museum-factory "CheeseCultProsvet", fully dedicated to cheese. The choice of the city is not accidental, as it was in Uglich that a research institute of the cheese-making industry was founded in the Soviet times, in the bowels of which the classic domestic cheese varieties "Rossiysky", "Uglichsky", "Poshekhonsky", "Hollandsky", as well as more modern ones - "Etelsky" and "Uleima" were created.


Interactive space in the building of the former "Milk Factory" in the museum "CheeseCultProsvet"

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

The museum project is a whole ecosystem and has no analogues in Russia. Firstly, it is a rich exposition, including a collection of the most famous varieties from different countries and covering in detail the history of cheese making in Russia, starting from the second half of the XIX century and up to the present day. Much attention is paid to both the evolution of technological processes and the culture of consumption of this product in our country. For example, here you can see the devices that were used almost 150 years ago in wealthy homes when serving cheese, which was served as an appetizer before the meal and laid out clockwise from delicate to the most savory. Different varieties were necessarily laid out in odd numbers and had to come to room temperature under a special glass cover before consumption. In the same area, the company's products are tasted.

Экспозиция музея «СырКультПросвет»

CheeseCultProsvet museum exposition

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

The second unique component of the ecosystem is that the museum space is integrated into the current production line. For this purpose, a special glass corridor was erected above the factory's workshops, allowing visitors to observe all the stages and processes of cheese production, with detailed explanations by a tour guide.

Променад над действующей линией производства сыра в музее «СырКультПросвет»

Promenade over a working cheese production line at the CheeseCultProsvet museum

Photo: IZVESTIA/Gergiy Kesoyan

The museum also includes an interactive space organized in the building of the former dairy, where you can see samples of old equipment, create your own virtual cheese packaging in the laboratory, find out what professional specialization at the dairy suits you personally. The cost of a ticket for a tour with tasting is 700 rubles.

Историческая экспозиция об отечественном сыроделии в музее «СырКультПросвет»

Historical exposition about domestic cheesemaking at the CheeseCultProsvet museum

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

Finally, the ecosystem includes a gastronomic part, which is presented in a cozy restaurant "CheeseBor" at the plant. During the day it works as a canteen not only for factory workers, but also for all comers, and in the evening there is a special menu developed by brand-chef Grigory Mosin. These dishes use the plant's own products as obligatory ingredients. Here you can try thick and hearty cheese soup with various toppings, Caprese salad with tender mozzarella, chicken fillet with cheese stuffing and fried haloumi. Pasta cooked in cheese head is especially popular with guests.

Сырный суп с топингом из бекона

Cheese soup with bacon topping

Photo: CheeseBor

Why you should visit the Hydropower Museum

It is quite logical to continue the theme of industrial tourism at the Central Museum of the History of Hydropower in Russia, which is located in a separate building next to the Uglichskaya HPP, part of the Volga cascade. The station itself was launched in 1940 and played an important role in providing Moscow with electricity during the Great Patriotic War, especially during the Battle of Moscow. Also, thanks to the construction of the dam, the Volga River in this location finally became fuller and more navigable, whereas before navigation was possible only eight days a year.

Экспозиция Музея истории гидроэнергетики России в Угличе

Exposition of the Museum of the History of Russian Hydropower in Uglich

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

The Uglich hydroelectric complex is located within the city limits and is interesting in itself as a beautiful monumental ensemble in the style of Stalinist architecture. Unfortunately, the hydroelectric power plant is closed to tourists, but many of its structures are clearly visible from the windows of the two-story museum, opened in 2006. The spaces of the halls are thematic installations devoted both to the history of hydropower development in our country and technical aspects of operation of various types of hydroelectric power plants. Controlled models are widely represented in the museum, adding very proper and even necessary entertaining moments to the excursions. Thanks to modern technological solutions, one can better understand how a hydroelectric generator is organized, learn how a tidal and hydro-storage plant functions, see the machine rooms of different facilities from the inside and even build a new hydroelectric power plant on one's own, with the help of a mock-up.

Макет Саратовской ГЭС в Музее истории гидроэнергетики России в Угличе

A model of the Saratov HPP in the Museum of the History of Russian Hydropower in Uglich

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

A separate hall is dedicated to the history of Uglichskaya HPP, which was built by Gulag prisoners. Here you can see household items of convicts, their construction tools and rather meager daily food rations. Also in the exposition you can see photos of the participants of that construction and hear recordings of their memories of their stay in Volgolag sounding from an old receiver.

Дневной рацион питания заключенных, строивших Угличскую ГЭС

Daily food ration of prisoners building the Uglich hydroelectric power plant

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

In the hall telling about the world's hydropower engineers, you can learn that the share of energy generated by hydropower plants today is about 20%. More and more countries are starting to use water as the main source of energy, but at the same time the development of hydro potential is uneven in different countries of the world. With the help of multimedia kiosks located between the maps of the continents, you can get acquainted with all the rivers and hydroelectric power plants that have been built on them, learn which objects are the largest and most powerful. A ticket to the museum costs 400 rubles.

Where you can have a good rest on the bank of the Volga River

After a busy cognitive part it's time to relax in nature and move to the coast of the Rybinsk Reservoir, pleasing the eye with its mighty water surface, sandy beaches and majestic pine forests. An hour's drive from Uglich is an ecological resort "Yaroslavl Vzmorie", which is becoming increasingly popular among Russian tourists.

Прибрежная территория в парк-отеле «Бухта Коприно»

Coastal area in the park-hotel "Cove Koprino"

Photo: Izvestia/Georgy Kesoyan

The main place of attraction for vacationers is the Zapovedniy Forest, where the park-hotel "Buchta Koprino" is located, successfully and neatly inscribed in the green massif. Last year on the territory of the complex opened a hotel "Koprino-Plaza", where you can now stay in comfortable rooms. And for those who prefer a more secluded rest, there are separate cozy cottages scattered among the trees. The whole forest near the coast is permeated with dirt and asphalt paths, on which it is pleasant to walk or ride bicycles, and in winter you can run on skis. In addition to outdoor recreation, guests can make use of the park hotel's Wellness Center with a 25-meter indoor pool with panoramic windows overlooking the Volga River. From the main pool, you can swim out to the open-air whirlpool area. The thermal zone has a sauna, hammam, Roman and Russian baths and aqua-massage.

Копченая стерлядь

Smoked sterlet

Photo: "Kalita"

As for the gastronomic part, in winter time guests can have a snack in the restaurant "Kalita" located on the Volga cliff. The project specializes in European cuisine using local products, with special attention paid to organic meat (several types of steaks, including alternative ones, are offered here) and Volga fish. Special mention should be made of smoked sterlet, which is grown in the Volga River in the complex's own farm. Fish tanks are located next to the Kovcheg debarkade, which is a hotel on the water and is open in the warm season. The main hall of the floating mini-hotel is richly decorated with wood, and its grand staircases reminiscent of the interior of the Titanic as we know it from the movie of the same name.

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