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November 28 - Guryev Day: history and traditions of the holiday, folk omens

In Russia, November 28 is celebrated on Guryev Day
Photo: Izvestia/Mitriy Korotayev
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According to the folk calendar, November 28 is Guryev Day. In the olden days it was believed that from this period winter "gets off the horse" and begins to scatter snow on the ground. In 2024, the date falls on Thursday. About the customs and omens of this day tell "Izvestia".

History of Guriev Day, celebrated on November 28

The name of the holiday is associated with the name of the holy martyr Gurius, who suffered in the early IV century for his faith along with two other righteous men - Samon and Abib. In Orthodoxy, Gurius is honored as the patron saint of the family hearth and the protector of wives from the unjust anger of their husbands.

For family prosperity in homes always had an icon with the image of the saint, behind which they put a piece of incense. Before the image lit a candle and prayed for their loved ones. Guria is also asked to get rid of diseases, first of all - from toothache in adults and children. Therefore, he is often called the tooth healer.

The Church honors the memory of the saints on the eve of the onset of calendar winter. Usually at this time there is damp dank weather, followed by cold and frost. In Russia there were many customs and rituals associated with this period, which allowed peasants to safely survive the winter.

Traditions, customs and omens of Guryev day

Special attention on Guryev Day was paid to domestic animals, especially horses. Stables were thoroughly cleaned and the harness was checked. The horses themselves were combed out with a comb, fed oats, and their manes were decorated with ribbons. Foals born on this day were given hay or oats. It was believed that such gifts would protect horses from diseases in the coming season.

They also took care of their own health. Traditionally, on Guryev Day in the villages they heated baths and steamed well with brooms. Clothes were taken off before the steam room and then put on new ones. Old things were put in order and given to beggars. People believed that this way the owner not only does a good deed, but also gets rid of all the bad things that were in the year.

According to custom, on the holiday they looked at the behavior of animals to predict the weather in the near future. Thus, people believed that if on Guryev Day horses roar louder than usual, the winter will be mild. And the snow that fell on the holiday foretold that the snow cover would last until spring.

What you can and can not do on Guryev Day on November 28

Since St. Gury is considered the patron saint of marriage and the protector of wives, then on the holiday men are strictly forbidden to raise their voices at their women and argue with them. Otherwise, the discord in the family will drag on for a long time.

It is also forbidden to swear profanely, be greedy and refuse alms. In the olden days, they believed that the one who would refuse to help someone in need would soon share his fate. In addition, during the day it is not allowed to do hard physical labor, cleaning and noisy celebrations.

On November 28, Orthodox Christians begin the Christmas fast. It will last exactly 40 days and will end on Christmas Eve (January 6). Already from the first day of the fast believers can not eat meat, eggs and dairy products. And on the strictest days of the fast, fish and seafood should be avoided.

Earlier in November in Russia celebrated Michaelmas Day. "Izvestia" told about the traditions of this holiday.

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