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November 27 - Philip's Day (Kudelitsa): history, traditions, omens

Folk holiday Filippov Day is celebrated in Russia on November 27
Photo: Izvestia/Eduard Kornienko
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Every year on November 27, Orthodox believers remember the Apostle Philip, one of the closest disciples of Christ. In Russia, the celebration was called Philip's Day, or Kudelitsa. About what miracles the apostle was famous and why in his holiday girls hid meat under the pillow, read in the material "Izvestia".

Philip's Day in 2024 - the history of the Orthodox holiday

The Apostle Philip was among the closest disciples of Christ. According to tradition, the saint was born in Galilee (modern territory of Israel) and was an expert in the Holy Scriptures. All his life he waited for the appearance of the Messiah, and when Jesus called him, he followed the Savior without complaint.

After the Ascension of the Lord, the apostle began to preach in his native land. At his prayer, the child of a Galilean widow, who had died in his mother's arms, was resurrected. At first the woman did not believe in the miracle, but after realizing what had happened, she accepted Christianity.

From Galilee Philip traveled to Greece. There the local scribes, headed by the high priest, opposed the saint. They accused the apostle of lying, but he rejected their slander with dignity. Then the scribes planned to kill the preacher and attacked him, but suddenly blindness struck each of them. At the apostle's prayer the malefactors received their sight, and repented and were baptized.

Philip traveled much, preaching the Word of God in different countries. In the city of Hierapolis (the territory of modern Turkey) he killed by the power of prayer a huge echidna dwelling in a serpent temple. The saint also healed the townspeople bitten by snakes. After this, many inhabitants of Hierapolis believed in Christ. Among them was the wife of the local governor. When the governor learned of this, he ordered the execution of the apostle and his companions.

Philip and his companion, the apostle Bartholomew, were sentenced to be crucified on a cross. During the execution a great earthquake broke out, and all those present at the trial were covered with earth. The governor and the priests who served in the serpent temple were killed, but the townspeople remained unharmed thanks to the prayers of St. Philip. Seeing this, the people hurried to take the apostle down from the cross, but he was already dead.

The body of the saint was taken for burial by his sister Mariamne. Later she together with Apostle Bartholomew went to Armenia with a sermon.

Kudelitsa November 27 - traditions and customs of the folk holiday

In Russia, the day of the memory of the Apostle Philip was called Philip's Day. It was celebrated in a big way, because right after it the 40-day Christmas fast began - one of the longest in the year. That's why they prepared as many meat treats as possible to eat enough.

On Philip's Day the houseboy was not neglected. Especially for him at the stove left a small treat. Before the feast, the owners of the house went out into the yard and bowed to the good spirit, asking him to take care of the cattle in winter. The food left after the feast was not removed from the table until morning. According to folk beliefs, it also belonged to the house-spirit. If he liked the food, he would put a dense snow cover on the fields, which would protect the crops from the cold.

Unmarried girls tried to steal a piece of beef during the meal. In the evening they hid it under the pillow in the hope of seeing the future groom in a dream.

On November 27, women gathered together and began to prepare kudeli - linen yarn for knitting. Hence the second name of the holiday - Kudelitsa. In between work they shared funny stories, gossiped and sang.

In some regions of the country on Kudelitsa an unusual rite of exorcising cockroaches was held. The insect was caught, a string was tied to it and the whole family dragged it outside. It was believed that after that the creeping pests would not appear in the house anymore.

In addition, Kudelitsa was the last day when young people could get married, as the sacrament of marriage was not held during Lent. Therefore, the holiday was often accompanied by lavish weddings and festivities.

Philip's Day on November 27 - what you can and can not do

On the day of the memory of the Apostle Philip, Orthodox believers are recommended to visit the temple and pray to the saint. Traditionally, he is asked to heal diseases, family well-being and protection from ill-wishers.

In Russia, Philip's Day was associated with various prohibitions and superstitions. According to folk beliefs, the holiday should not go to the forest, as at this time there was a high risk of collision with evil. There was also a more down-to-earth reason to avoid forests - by the end of November wolves became aggressive, and meeting them did not bode well for a person.

Also on Kudelitsa it was forbidden to be lazy and lie in bed for a long time. People believed that idlers could bring bad luck and financial difficulties on themselves. It was considered bad luck to spend the day alone and in despondency. Therefore, on the holiday, villagers tried to gather as many relatives and friends as possible in their homes.

Folk omens of November 27 - what the weather promises on Philip's Day (Kudelitsa)

On Kudelitsa peasants carefully watched the weather, trying to predict what will be the farming season next year. If there was frost on the ground and trees on the holiday, they expected a rich grain harvest. A thaw, on the contrary, promised a hungry year.

The loud cawing of crows heralded a warming soon, and the chirping of sparrows - a sudden change of weather. If by Philip's Day water bodies were covered with ice, fishermen realized that next year there would be a lot of fish.

Earlier "Izvestia" told about the history and traditions of St. Michael's Day.

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