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- Wonless bread: in the Russian Federation they are developing a monitoring system for northern imports

The Russian Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, acting as a federal coordinator of the northern importation on the Gostech platform, is developing a federal state information system "Northern Importation", Alexei Chekunkov, head of the ministry, told Izvestia. The main goals are to increase the availability of goods for northerners, expand the range of goods, and improve the stability and reliability of deliveries. How this will affect the provision of local residents with necessary goods and what more can be done to improve the transportation and logistics system, "Izvestia" studied.
Digitalization of the region
According to him, digital marking of the cargo flow will be one of the innovations that will make it possible to track cargoes along the entire delivery route and automatically prioritize the processing of Northern Importation cargoes in warehouses, seaports and railroads.
- FGIS "Northern Zavoz" will become a new platform for end-to-end interaction between suppliers of goods, transportation and logistics companies and freight forwarding companies. Digitalization and process automation will speed up the main processes of northern importation and increase their transparency. The processes of planning, procurement, logistics, including cargo labeling, will be united," Chekunkov said in a conversation with Izvestia.
In addition, an analytical module and artificial intelligence technologies will be integrated into the platform. All participants of the northern importation will be able to get comprehensive information about suppliers, carriers, contracts, routes, prices, as well as the infrastructure involved in the northern importation at any time and promptly.
It is expected that the digitalization of the northern importation will reduce insurance costs by up to 30% and reduce operating costs per ton of cargo by up to 12%, which should undoubtedly contribute to the reduction of prices, which are traditionally higher in the northern regions due to logistics costs, Karine Hadji, an analyst at the Institute of International Economics and Finance VAVT of the Ministry of Economic Development, told Izvestia.
- We can expect an increase in the range of goods due to simplified access of product suppliers to services of goods transportation to the northern regions of our country, - she noted.
Expansion of digital marketplaces and their own logistics infrastructure, in her opinion, would help improve the transportation and logistics system in the North as a whole and expand the population's access to consumer goods at inexpensive prices. In this regard, it is advisable to consider opportunities for the development of programs to support the development of e-commerce in the northern regions of Russia.
- In addition, the use of unmanned aviation is seen as a promising solution to the problem of cargo delivery to remote and sparsely populated areas of the Far North. Relevant projects are already being implemented within the framework of the mechanism of experimental legal regimes (EPR)," the expert said. - In several regions, for example, in the Nenets Autonomous District, the use of drones is being tested, which can speed up and cheapen the delivery of small cargoes to the most inaccessible areas.
The monitoring system will make it possible to plan and track transportation flows more accurately, which could lead to fewer delays in delivering goods, Mikhail Koptev, commercial director of Skif-Kargo, a federal transportation company, told Izvestia.
- This will ensure a more stable supply of necessary goods to remote areas. The analytical system can help develop more optimal routes for delivery, which will also facilitate timely delivery of products and reduce the risks of shortages. Better logistics can attract more suppliers, which will create competition in the local market and consequently lead to lower prices," he said.
Transportation costs
Monitoring of logistics processes has a positive impact on the supply of necessary goods to local residents, as it allows to build supply chains more efficiently, according to Arthur Leer, vice president of the Association of Exporters and Importers. This helps to improve the availability of goods in the region and optimize the choice of delivery routes.
- Today, the supply of goods is already stable, but it is expected that these measures will lead to additional improvements, especially in the price aspect," the expert told Izvestia. - Price formation depends not only on logistics, but also on many other economic factors. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately forecast price changes. Nevertheless, lower transportation costs may become a prerequisite for reducing the cost of goods. With regard to assortment, more efficient logistics will allow to expand the range of delivered goods. However, the assortment should be in line with consumer preferences and demand patterns in the region.
In terms of the transportation and logistics system, he believes that the key areas for improvement are the development of infrastructure, including port facilities, and ensuring the functioning of all elements of this system. There are a significant number of projects underway to modernize infrastructure, including initiatives to develop the Northern Sea Route (NSR). This route is becoming increasingly attractive for international transportation due to shorter delivery times and lower fuel costs, making it particularly important for the transportation of oil, gas and other commodities.
The construction and modernization of ports, terminals and warehouse complexes along the Arctic coast significantly improves conditions for cargo storage and handling, ensuring uninterrupted functioning of logistics chains, Arthur Leer believes. At the same time, investment projects for the development of the Arctic are being effectively implemented. Joint projects with foreign partners within the framework of expanding international cooperation allow to accelerate the development of infrastructure and increase the competitiveness of Russian companies in the global market.
In addition, digitalization and automation of logistics processes are becoming important elements of development. Modern management information systems ensure increased planning accuracy, cost reduction and better control over all stages of transportation. The development of Arctic logistics creates favorable conditions for attracting investment in infrastructure projects and stimulates the development of related industries.
Thus, the Northern Sea Route, which is a unique transportation corridor along the northern coast of Russia, has great potential. Its use makes it possible to significantly shorten the time of cargo delivery between Europe and Asia, reduce transportation costs and open up new opportunities for economic growth. Current trends in the development of logistics in the Arctic testify to its significant role in strengthening Russia's position in the global economic arena.
Navigation development
The expert community also notes the need for further development of the Northern Sea Route to support the region. This is a special water area, and it is quite difficult to design and build ships for it, reminded Sergey Krents, an expert of the Arctic Development Project Office, Director of the Center for Arctic Studies of the Presidential Academy.
- In addition to fleet design and construction, an important competence is modeling of ship traffic in high latitudes and forecasting its changes in the long term, which is due to the specifics of the Russian Arctic seas, which differ significantly both in ice and bathymetric (related to the relief of the underwater part of water basins - "Izvestia") conditions from the seas of the European and North American sectors, - the expert told "Izvestia". - Complex ice conditions, in turn, dictate the need to design and build a wide range of ice-class vessels as well as icebreakers themselves.
It is no coincidence, he said, that separate sections of the strategic development documents are devoted to the creation of icebreaker fleet vessels, including the lead icebreaker of the Leader project, and the development of Arctic shipbuilding and ship repair production facilities. In addition, it is envisaged to build an emergency rescue fleet of 46 vessels and equip the Arctic complex rescue centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with helicopters.
- Year-round navigation is necessary not just from the point of view of ensuring logistics in the Russian Arctic, it can affect seasonality, which today largely determines the essence of all social and economic processes in the Far North, - he said. - Today, to deliver some vital cargoes (coal, diesel fuel, construction materials, etc.), shippers have to fit in several months of navigation. Providing year-round navigation will help reduce the cost of shipping these and other goods to high latitudes.
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