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In Ufa, schoolgirls accused a quest actor of beating and using a stun gun

Photo: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Biyatov
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In Ufa, schoolgirls accused a quest actor of beating and using a stun gun. This was reported on November 19 by the source of "Izvestia".

According to the interlocutor, the 12-year-old birthday girl invited her friends to the quest "Judgment Night". One of the girls claims that during the game, the actor hit her with a stun gun for the wrong answer, and the birthday girl was pushed with such force that she fell.

After the event, the birthday girl claimed that in a separate room the quest employee held her by the hair and threw her on the floor.

At the same time, none of the schoolgirls did not ask to stop the quest.

In turn, the 19-year-old actor said that he did not know about the age of the girls. Before the quest, he familiarized the participants with the rules and warned them that he would touch them. During the game, according to the young man, he touched the guests by the shoulders and only frightened them with a stun gun, but did not push anyone or grab them by the hair. According to the employee of the quest room, one of the schoolgirls could have hit herself while running away from him, as the room was dark.

The actor also stated that he asked the girls if they needed medical help and if they wanted to stop playing, but the schoolgirls did not answer, and at the end of the game thanked and promised to come again.

Details are being established by law enforcers.

Earlier, on November 11, during the quest "The Last Excursion. Survive at any cost" actor brought a gun with blank cartridges to the neck of the girl and shot. The victim was hospitalized with a gunshot wound, medics treated her and let her go home. The businesswoman who organized the game indicated that she did not know where her employee got the holstered gun. Later, the press service of the capital IC reported about the detention of the animator. November 13, the court elected as a measure of restraint prohibition of certain actions against a man accused of committing a crime under para. "a" part 2 of article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Provision of services that do not meet safety requirements"), for a period of 1 month 29 days, until January 11, 2025.

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