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Such an expression as "blood with milk" sometimes indicates not the merits of appearance, but possible diseases. Doctors believe that the complexion is an important indicator of health. How to distinguish a beautiful skin tone from a feverish blush, why the lips turn blue and for what reasons eyelids blush - in the material "Izvestia".

Symptoms and signs of diseases

Dermatologist clinic "Be Healthy" Maria Kyzymko reminds that the skin - a mirror of health, one of the important characteristics of human appearance and even a kind of "social passport".

- Not everyone knows that in addition to its protective function, the skin serves as a health indicator," explains Maria Kyzymko. - The initial shade of the skin is related to genetic factors, but the color can change under the influence of various reasons. These changes signal various diseases and conditions.

Victoria Varvarich, the chief therapist of the Biorise clinic network, advises not to rely on intuition and "medical wisdom" from the Internet, but to seek the advice of specialists in order to diagnose the exact causes.

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- Very often people, ignoring professional examination, misinterpret data from articles and incorrectly diagnose themselves. The most dangerous thing is that many people start to take measures and drink medicines. Only a doctor can correctly assess the symptoms and signs of diseases, prescribe tests and then select therapy,- comments Varvaric.

If a person notices uncharacteristic pallor or yellowish skin or any other variant of its color change, the first thing to do is to make an appointment with a therapist. This doctor, if necessary, will refer to a specialized specialist, such as a cardiologist, pulmonologist or ophthalmologist.

Self-treatment is not allowed, but knowing what is behind the changes in complexion can be useful to recognize danger signals in time. Specific skin tone sometimes depends on acquired chronic diseases.

- For example, heart disease gives out a bluish tone, high blood pressure - redness, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - brown and yellow, as well as waxy shades. Prolonged dehydration provokes rapid aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, - says Maria Kyzymko.

Bright blush, or "blood with milk"

A bright pink skin tone, especially on the cheeks, has nothing to do with the image of a healthy-looking person. It can be caused by various factors, in particular, one of them is hypertension. A dermatologist points out that high blood pressure can lead to dilation of blood vessels, which causes redness of the skin.

People with a large body weight can also in a sense boast a bright blush. But in this case, it is not considered a dignity. According to Maria Kyzymko, in obesity, excess weight increases the load on the heart and blood vessels, because of which the face turns red.

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According to the dermatologist, allergies to food, drugs or cosmetics causes not only redness, but also itching.

Bright blush sometimes "blooms" on the cheeks because of the expansion of capillaries under the influence of adrenaline, increasing blood circulation, explains Victoria Varvarich.

- Persistent blush may indicate couperosis - a disorder in which capillaries dilate and remain on the skin in the form of "vascular stars". Couperosis is often inherited and aggravated by exposure to aggressive factors (cold, alcohol, smoking), - comments the therapist.

Among the obvious causes of bright red skin color - chronic alcoholism. A red, crimson face is considered the calling card of an alcoholic, emphasizes Kyzymko. And as alcoholism progresses, a person's appearance changes even more. The skin acquires an earthy tint or unnatural pallor.

If the blush is accompanied by high blood pressure and a feeling of heat, it is necessary to avoid procedures associated with heating the skin, such as a bath or hot compresses. This is also relevant for patients suffering from rosacea. This chronic, recurrent facial skin condition is characterized by redness, vascular asterisks, and papular rashes caused by trigger factors.

- People with closely located vessels should avoid provoking factors: exposure to low and high temperatures, alcohol, spicy food, psycho-emotional stress, aggressive cosmetic procedures. It is recommended to use only specialized products adapted for sensitive skin and skin prone to rosacea, plus regular use of sunscreen," explains Maria Kyzymko.

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A natural and very common phenomenon is redness of the face during training. It is quite understandable from the physiological point of view, says expert trainer of the gym of the Pride Fitness chain of fitness clubs. Daria Martynova.

- In response to physical activity, the body mobilizes its resources to overcome the challenges it faces. When body temperature rises, a defense mechanism is activated: vessels and capillaries located on the surface of the facial skin expand, which contributes to self-regulation and, in fact, "self-cooling" of the body," comments Martynova.

However, excessive redness can also signal that the load was too great. In such cases, the expert advises to sensibly reduce the intensity of training and give yourself more time to recover between approaches. And to reduce the redness of the face, you can wipe yourself with a towel soaked in cool water, or just wash your face with cold water. After such a procedure, the blood vessels will return to normal more quickly and the feeling of discomfort will be reduced.

Why redden hands

According to the dermatologist, one of the most common causes of red and rough hands is contact dermatitis.

- It occurs due to contact with allergens or irritants such as detergents, cosmetics, and chemicals. Symptoms include redness, itching, flaking, and blistering," says Kyzymko.

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Eczema can also affect the beauty of hand skin. According to the dermatologist, this chronic skin condition is characterized by dryness, redness, itching, blisters and cracks. Eczema is often aggravated in the winter due to dry air and cold temperatures.

In addition, hands can be one of the places of localization of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis. Dermatologist reminds that in the presence of a permanent bright red shade of skin should consult a doctor to exclude possible pathologies.

"Noble pallor"

Skin pallor is often associated with aristocracy, but in fact it may indicate some diseases and lack of certain substances in the body, says Maria Kyzymko.

- Pathological causes of pallor are sometimes related to the state of blood, vessels and internal organs, when the formation of blood cells or their flow to the vessels of the skin is disturbed," warns the dermatologist.

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According to doctors, the most common factor affecting the complexion (its dullness and pallor) is anemia, doctors emphasize.

- In anemia, the body lacks oxygen due to a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin. This condition can be caused by deficiencies of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, as well as genetic disorders, chronic diseases and blood loss," comments Viktorija Varvaric.

Anemia is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, palpitations, decreased cognitive function and performance.

- Other possible causes of pallor - heart failure, kidney disease, liver disease, lung disease, hypothyroidism, as well as blood diseases, some severe infections- lists Maria Kyzymko.

Pale appearance can be a consequence of stress and low physical activity. However, excessive physical activity is also, as they say, not beautiful.

- One of the most common causes of pallor during exercise is severe overexertion. This is often the case with people who are not physically fit enough or those who are new to exercise. At such times, the body is under considerable stress, which can cause a temporary decrease in blood circulation in the skin," comments Daria Martynova.

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In addition, according to the trainer, pallor can be a signal of problems with the cardiorespiratory system. Heart and lung diseases prevent normal blood and oxygen supply to tissues, which is also reflected in the color of the skin.

- It is important to be attentive to your well-being and, if necessary, consult a doctor to rule out possible health problems," says Daria Martynova.

According to the trainer, a healthy complexion during sports should be harmonious and even, with a slight pinkish tint, without signs of pallor, blueness or pronounced spots.

Going blotchy

If a person suddenly turns red with spots, then first of all it can be associated with stress and emotional tension. In this case, according to Maria Kyzymko, the spots appear due to the dilation of capillaries under the influence of hormones.

- Stress provokes the production of histamine and leads to skin reactions similar to urticaria. Spots can also be a symptom of allergies or other inflammatory skin diseases, - complements her colleague Viktorija Varvaric.

In order to establish the exact cause, it is necessary to have a proper examination: skin tests and blood tests can help rule out an allergic reaction or other pathologies.

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- If the spots are accompanied by itching, burning or other unpleasant sensations, you should consult a dermatologist to find out the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment, - comments Maria Kyzymko.

Not only cheeks can change color due to health problems. Blueing of the lips doctors most often associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood. This has its own reasons.

- Blue lips usually indicate an insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues, which can occur in cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease or anemia. It can also be caused by exposure to toxic substances, such as smoking or harmful working conditions," explains Viktorija Varvaric.

But red eyelids, according to the therapist, can be a sign of overwork, inflammation or allergies, as well as anemia and malnutrition.

Yellowing of the face

According to doctors, a jaundiced skin color usually indicates an excess of bilirubin in the blood.

- This condition can arise due to problems with the liver, which is responsible for processing bilirubin, as well as due to disorders of bile outflow, diseases of the gallbladder and hematopoietic system, in which there is an increased breakdown of red blood cells, - says Victoria Varvarich.

In this case, it is necessary to examine the state of the liver and biliary tract. Jaundice may occur, in particular, in hepatitis, cirrhosis, blockage of bile ducts stones or tumors. Patients also need serious diagnostics to rule out blood diseases.

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A yellowish skin tone is sometimes not associated with serious diagnoses, but is caused by consuming large amounts of foods containing carotene. "Change in the face" can, for example, fans of carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes.

- The cause of yellowing of the skin can also be some genetically determined conditions, such as Gilbert's syndrome. They are associated with elevated bilirubin levels and can manifest as mild jaundice," Kyzymko continues.

Infectious diseases such as malaria or infectious mononucleosis also sometimes temporarily cause jaundice.

- Cancerous tumors, especially those affecting the liver, pancreas or bile ducts, can also change skin color," the dermatologist cautions.

According to the expert, sometimes the cause of yellowing is the transfusion of incompatible blood.

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In any case, if a person notices a persistent yellow skin tone, it is necessary to find out the cause in the doctor's office. Especially if there are other unpleasant symptoms - abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, dark urine.

But the expression "turn green with anger", from the point of view of a dermatologist, is rather a metaphor, reflecting the extreme degree of irritation or anger.

- Green color in different cultures is associated with negative emotions, illness or poisoning. In reality, a person's skin does not change its color to green even with very strong emotions, such as anger," Kyzymko explains.

However, some people can actually observe changes in the color of the face during emotional arousal: the face may turn red or pale. Doctors attribute these phenomena to the dilation or constriction of blood vessels under the influence of adrenaline and other stress hormones.

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