March 24 — World Tuberculosis Day: history, theme, events

Every year, on March 24, Russia and other countries celebrate World Tuberculosis Day. In 2025, it falls on a Monday. Read the Izvestia article about what events are held on this day and how to reduce the risk of the disease.
World Tuberculosis Day in 2025 — what date, history
World Tuberculosis Day was established in 1993. The initiative was launched by the World Health Organization (WHO), which recognized the disease as a global problem in the same year.
The date of March 24 was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1882, German scientist Robert Koch was able to identify the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The microorganism was named Koch's bacillus in honor of the discoverer. Already in 1887, the first tuberculosis dispensaries appeared, and in 1890 it was possible to synthesize tuberculin— an extract of tuberculosis cultures with preventive and curative properties. Based on it, the first vaccine against this disease was created.
Since then, the methods of diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis have improved significantly. In Russia and most regions of the world, there is a steady decrease in morbidity and mortality. According to WHO, since 2000, global efforts to combat tuberculosis have saved the lives of 75 million people. Nevertheless, this pathology remains a serious problem for the international health system, requiring an integrated approach at different levels.
World Tuberculosis Day is held to unite efforts to eliminate this disease and raise people's awareness of prevention and health measures. It also aims to support research in this area and increase access to medical care for all segments of the population.
Every year, World Tuberculosis Day is dedicated to a theme. In 2025, related events are held under the slogan "Yes! We can eliminate tuberculosis! Commitments, investments, results!".
World Tuberculosis Day events
Every year on March 24, various events dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis are held around the world. In Russia, free examinations, lectures for students of medical universities and colleges, preventive conversations with the public, and seminars for practicing doctors are organized on this day. Educational booklets on preventive measures are distributed in polyclinics and medical centers. Scientific publications publish articles and infographics about morbidity.
World Tuberculosis Day on March 24, 2025 — preventive measures
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that most often affects the lungs, but it can also affect other organs (bones, joints, lymphatic system, skin, eyes, genitourinary organs, etc.). Without proper treatment, the disease progresses rather quickly and can lead to death.
The bacteria that cause tuberculosis spread in several ways: airborne (from a person with an active form of the disease when talking, sneezing, coughing), airborne (when dried particles of a patient's sputum enter the body), household contact (through objects) and food (when eating meat, milk, eggs and others products obtained from an infected animal).
At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms are extremely resilient. They are resistant to sudden temperature changes, alcohol and acids, and can remain in dust particles for up to several months. Tuberculosis bacteria die most quickly when exposed to direct sunlight (15 minutes) and during boiling (20-30 minutes).
Young children, the elderly, patients with chronic respiratory diseases, AIDS and HIV-infected people, smokers, and those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction are at risk for tuberculosis. The chances of getting sick increase if a person lives in a damp, dark, poorly ventilated room or is often hypothermic.
Vaccination and annual examinations remain the main methods of tuberculosis prevention at the national level. In the absence of contraindications, the BCG vaccine is given in the first three to seven days of a child's life. Revaccination is carried out when the child turns seven and 14 years old.
To control the spread of the disease, children under the age of 15 are given a diagnostic Mantoux test or a diaskintest every year. These are not vaccinations, but tests that allow you to assess the level of a child's immunity to tuberculosis. They are safe and cannot lead to illness.
Adolescents and adults are recommended to undergo a fluorographic examination of the lungs once a year, which makes it possible to detect tuberculosis in its early stages. In case of alarming symptoms, a person is sent for additional diagnosis to a phthisiatrician.
There are also general rules for the prevention of tuberculosis: personal hygiene, regular ventilation and cleaning in the living room, proper nutrition, observance of work and rest, quitting smoking and other bad habits.
Earlier, Izvestia told how World Cancer Day is celebrated and what traditions are associated with it.
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